Oh wow! Christmas is basically over. How crazy. What a crazy time it's been.
Yesterday morning, Mary (Willi's mom) called us to tell us that Willi's grandfather had passed away just a half hour before her call. I guess it wasn't a complete shock (as Willi didn't seem stunned, and he said his health has been horrible for over ten years), but it was still overwhelming. Christmas wasn't quite as happy as it usually would have been as a result, but . . . what can you do? Poor Willi . . . no more grandpas. Me neither. It's so sad, too: the (extended family) Browns were already such a serious family about death (Willi lost a cousin two years ago that was nearly his age), and adding this to the already-serious nature was nearly unbearable. We got through it, though.
This means we're going to have to miss work to go to the funeral (and we were already only working three days this week). Willi struggles with that a lot, as he feels like he should be at work Friday (because it's an extra holiday off for us), but . . . I tend to disagree with that. I feel like he should still have that day off for the sheer fact that it is a holiday given to us, and we should take it . . . and enjoy it with each other.
Anywho . . . I think my boy is doing okay. I think he's sad, but he's strong. I'm gonna be there for him, and I'm glad that I can.
BTW, he got me a digital camera for Christmas! I was totally stoked as I have been wanting one of those FOREVER! Pictures will be posted . . . and soon. I must get more memory, though. But first . . . real life must be attended.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Family Christmas, Cat, and Mouse
Oh man . . . I am so incredibly sleepy and relaxed right now. It's kind-of unreal. Willi and I drove (he drove, I guess I just rode) five hours to get to Columbus tonight. We had originally intended to leave work at 2 p.m., but I couldn't get everything done in time (meaning, people were lookin' over/proofin' pages for the flyer that I'm doing at work, and they were taking for stinking ever). So, we ended up leaving at nearly 3:30 . . . which was harsh. We got here at 10 p.m.
I just came in a little bit ago from the outdoors: Jeremy, Marlene, and I were hanging out in the hot tub . . . outdoors. Man! That's such a great experience. If you've never been outdoors in the winter in a hot tub (preferably with snow around), you should definitely find a way to try it out. It's pretty sweet, and it's extremely relaxing. I'm totally comatosed right now. Sersly. It is glorious.
Now I must go join my husband in some seriously deep slumber.
Tomorrow (or basically today): it's Christmas with my immediate family (and spawns).
I hope little kids like scarves handmade by aunt Jennys. I also hope they like pop rocks. If they don't, they're not normal--and that's final! 
OH CRAP! I totally forgot to mention the most eventful thing that happened today! This morning, as I was getting ready for work, I heard the cat, Hank, meowing. He never meows unless he has a reason, so I went to peek on him in the hallway. Unfortunately, he was vomiting (which ended up not being a big deal because it wasn't -like- nasty). Then, after that, he was totally happy and skippy. A little later, I was walking to the kitchen, when I noticed the cat doing some seriously strange acrobatics around something dark and odd on the floor by the front door. He was doing somersaults and all kinds of weird flips and stuff, and then it hit me: he's finally broken into the gecko's cage, and he's eaten him!
Nope. I soon realized that this critter was much too large to be the gecko. I got closer, and I realized that it was the BIGGEST FREAKIN' MOUSE I'VE EVER LAID EYES ON IN A HOME! Hank had killed it. He was showing it off to us, and he was so proud. It was so stinking funny, but I still had the nagging question of, "Where the crap did this giant mouse come from?"
The only guess we have: Christmas tree.
When Willi took the mouse out with the trash, Hank cried. He gave out about five or six good tomcat-like meows, and he was good to go. Poor guy . . . He was so proud. Hah! He was probably thinking, "Finally you guys splurged and got me a real toy!"
I just came in a little bit ago from the outdoors: Jeremy, Marlene, and I were hanging out in the hot tub . . . outdoors. Man! That's such a great experience. If you've never been outdoors in the winter in a hot tub (preferably with snow around), you should definitely find a way to try it out. It's pretty sweet, and it's extremely relaxing. I'm totally comatosed right now. Sersly. It is glorious.
Now I must go join my husband in some seriously deep slumber.
Tomorrow (or basically today): it's Christmas with my immediate family (and spawns).

OH CRAP! I totally forgot to mention the most eventful thing that happened today! This morning, as I was getting ready for work, I heard the cat, Hank, meowing. He never meows unless he has a reason, so I went to peek on him in the hallway. Unfortunately, he was vomiting (which ended up not being a big deal because it wasn't -like- nasty). Then, after that, he was totally happy and skippy. A little later, I was walking to the kitchen, when I noticed the cat doing some seriously strange acrobatics around something dark and odd on the floor by the front door. He was doing somersaults and all kinds of weird flips and stuff, and then it hit me: he's finally broken into the gecko's cage, and he's eaten him!
Nope. I soon realized that this critter was much too large to be the gecko. I got closer, and I realized that it was the BIGGEST FREAKIN' MOUSE I'VE EVER LAID EYES ON IN A HOME! Hank had killed it. He was showing it off to us, and he was so proud. It was so stinking funny, but I still had the nagging question of, "Where the crap did this giant mouse come from?"
The only guess we have: Christmas tree.
When Willi took the mouse out with the trash, Hank cried. He gave out about five or six good tomcat-like meows, and he was good to go. Poor guy . . . He was so proud. Hah! He was probably thinking, "Finally you guys splurged and got me a real toy!"
Sunday, October 30, 2005
My First Bob
And now . . . picture time. Here you'll see Willi and me at the gas station. Note the short hair. Try not to note my increasingly pudgy face. 

Monday, September 19, 2005
First Day at GWB
I made it through day one of working at G.W.Berkheimer headquarters. I think I'm gonna like it there. It's so surreal knowing that when I walk into the other half of the building, I'm gonna look and see the back of my husband's head, and then when lunch comes, I'll get to sit with him. Then, I also get to ride to and from work with him while I'm at it. That's a lot of togetherness, folks. I know we're not really going to talk while at work, however. That's going to be my time to socialize with other people, and . . . get work done. Willi's serious about what he's doing with his jorb, and he's deeply focused most of the day, so I don't really like to bug him. Plus . . . I don't need to talk to the man all day long. ![]() ![]() In the meantime, Hank's doin' well . . . even though he's randomly bleeding tiny bits from time to time from his poor little paws. He got Willi's shirt this morning before he came into work. I think that happened when Willi gave him his medicine. Our couch is sooooo amazingly comfortable now . . . it's waay more cushy and lovely than our couch before I recovered it. I'm proud of mahself. Our apartment is like a home now! Finally! I'm starting to really like it here. We're hopin' to find a house to move into next summer. We're thinking more and more that we like this area. It's so beautiful here. Do you realize we're only 15-20 minutes away from the Dunes beach? It's sooo gorgeous. We went there for only an hour yesterday, and I think at that moment, I was sold on Valpo for sure. I can't believe we have that sort of beauty so close to us. We live next door to another gorgeous small lake, too. I like to walk there . . . So pretty. I know it'd be pretty in the winter, too. It's unreal . . . I really am starting to feel like this place is home. I hadn't felt that way yet. I mean . . . I felt it at home, of course. I even had a strong affinity for Purdue as a home in itself. Here . . . here's different. It's my home, and it's my home to share with Willi and even Hank. It's a relief. It's awesome. For now, I've surely got something to do . . . see ya! |
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Wedding Photos
I did it. I can't believe it. Our wedding photos are posted online! Wanna see 'em?
Here. Check 'em out.
Here. Check 'em out.
Furniture and Hank
Whelp . . . the couch is done. SHEW!!! Yessss . . . it looks AMAZING, too. Here! See for yourself! The fabric here is actually a little darker thank it looks. I have recovered the chair that's sitting next to it, too. It's plaid.

That was exhausting . . . I won't be doing that again for awhile.
Oh! I also have a picture of Hank so you can see what he looks like.
It's picture day!

Isn't he sweet!? I think he was annoyed with me getting in his face with the flash there. You can see it in his eyes.
Later today, we talked about potentially going to the Dunes . . . we'll see, though. We did somehow manage to drag ourselves to church this mornin'.
The weather is GORGEMOUS outside . . . so we really should get out into it.
I start work tomorrow! Eeek!!
That was exhausting . . . I won't be doing that again for awhile.
Oh! I also have a picture of Hank so you can see what he looks like.
It's picture day!

Isn't he sweet!? I think he was annoyed with me getting in his face with the flash there. You can see it in his eyes.
Later today, we talked about potentially going to the Dunes . . . we'll see, though. We did somehow manage to drag ourselves to church this mornin'.
The weather is GORGEMOUS outside . . . so we really should get out into it.
I start work tomorrow! Eeek!!
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Holy crap! I bet people thought we died! We haven't had internet since the day before we moved. We're dying without it. Supposedly, it was installed at our apartment in Valpo today. We're currently in Columbus, Ohio visiting my sibs Julie and Jeremy. We'll find out if we have it when we come home on Sunday night.
The move went well and everything, and our apartment is almost right where we want it as far as set-up goes. We also have a kitty. He's pretty sweet, and he's been keeping me company while Willi goes to work during the week. His name is Hank. Hank's gonna hate us come Wednesday because he's getting neutered, declawed, and shots all in one visit. Eeek . . . I feel so wrong doing this because I've never had to do it before. When I was a kid, we had cats on the farm, and we just let them run rampant . . . so this is new for me.
My sister Jody is deathly allergic to cats, and I'm afraid she may be offended by the fact that we now own one. Willi wanted one so badly . . . and he followed us home on our last night in Lebanon. It was almost as if it were meant to be . . .
For now, I'm just keepin' busy . . . Our lives are kinda uneventful right now, but I have a feeling that once we get used to this new place, things will be fantastical. Having cable and internet will definitely help with that. :) Starting my new job next Monday might help, too. I'm just ready to adapt to this new place, I guess . . . I've been longing for that for quite awhile. Being settled . . . oh yeah.
I miss all of you, friends. How are you? Man . . . I hope we have internet so I can really be in touch with everyone again. Love yas . . .
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
New Job
Well . . . I just found out that I'll have a job once we get settled in Valparaiso! I'm going to be a graphic designer for G.W. Berkheimer! I get to work at the same place my man does! How's that for a change?
HAH! The insurance adjuster lady for "the other guy" just told me that she's pretty sure (based on what I've told her about the damage alone) that the Geo is going to be totaled. Haaaaaaah!! Man . . . that's car number 2 for the summer. We're keepin' this one, though. It still runs. The hood still opens. Just a little duct tape, and we're good to go. :) We'll be runnin' that puppy into the ground. You'll see. I hope I don't get to find out what it's like to crash a car twice . . .
Monday, August 29, 2005
Back Among Your Pathways Winding
Ahh . . . that was a good weekend. Friday night, we ventured back to old Purdue to watch the Glee Club do its First Nighter. It was Willi's first time watching them from audience perspective. It was a cool thing to be able to sit there with him while he experienced it for the first time. I was like, "Willis! Check out this guy's face while he sings this," or, "Look at so and so during this part of the song."
I had been able to figure out every person's weird quirk, and I wanted to share them all with him. Hopefully I didn't detract from his enjoyment too much. Maybe I should've just let him watch it in peace . . . I made myself get quiet for periods of time during the show so that he might be able to sit and enjoy it. I hope it was enough!
After the show, I didn't get to talk to very many people (I had kind-of hoped to see more people I knew and loved), but I did talk to some I had been missing. It was good to see my ol' roomy Lindsey again. She looked fabulous. :)
Later that night, we went to Ehrlich's apartment to go socialize even more. Strangely, we didn't socialize as much as we thought we would, but we did end up hangin' with a group of people we enjoy in the room we so (we think) rightly called "The Sex Room." It was equipped with a red light, after all.
We crashed over at Kent and Bethany's for the night, vegged all day long with Bethany on Saturday, ate dinner with K and B that evening, and then we went home to Lebanana. For once, we weren't rushing around and killing ourselves to get from place to place in a weekend.
Sunday, we went to church with my buddies from work Andy and Jordan. They brought us back to their house, and we ate lunch with them. It was a good time, and it made us all realize (I think) that we wished we had more time previous to this to hang out more. I told them (as they were dropping us off to meet Willi's parents at our apartment around 2 p.m.) that they could come visit us up in Valparaiso once we get settled. I saw their faces light up, and that was a pretty cool feeling. I really think they're gonna miss us. We will miss them, too. Willi and I loved their house, too. It was really cute. We want one. Our visit wasn't a long one, but we had a really good time with them. I hope we'll be able to stay in touch.
Willi's parents came by our apartment shortly after we arrived. They gave us a platter from Julia (Mary's sister) who is the master of finding anything that had been discontinued from our registry. I love it. They only hung out for a short while. Then, Willi and I found ourselves with some free time in the afternoon. We watch a little tv, relaxed, and then we got ready to make dinner for when Chris came into town.
Chris and Whitney came over around 5:30, I think. I had made fried mushrooms, 6 jalapeno poppers ('cause my mom and dad had brought us 6 jalapenos last week), and some serious spaghetti with meat, tomato, and mushroom sauce. I also made some garlic bread to top it off. Oh yeah . . . good stuff. We had a really good visit with those guys. We never see them anymore, and we really like them. They're good people, and they're funny. :)
Hah! It was a couples weekend! So funny . . . the people we hung out with in "The Sex Room" on Friday were all couples, too! Jason and Nic were in there hangin' out. Amanda and Jarsh were there with us, too! Kent and Bethy were in there, but we ended up hangin' out with them more later, too. Hah . . . good times.
Well . . . I am now officially not at work for The Daily Sun. It's quite strange, really. I didn't have to go in there this morning to help finish and send out the paper. I wonder how they're doing. I miss that Mac G5, too . . .
Today, I have stuff I have to do, though. I have to call the guy's insurance to make a claim against him (dirty work). I have to take Willi's watch to get some links out (and while I'm at it, I might finally get a battery for the watch I've not worn for about six months now). Then, I'm going to go to Valparaiso to go get our apartment situation . . . well . . . situated. It sure is a full day.
Last week, I only was working from about 8 to noon everyday (to help compensate me for the long hours I worked the weeks before without getting paid for it). I'd come home, and I'd start major projects. So far, I've nearly completed recovering Willi's old, nasty orange recliner. It now has a nice, deep red plaid fabric on it. Next up is staining and varnishing our dresser, and after that, it's recovering the couch. I may attempt to get all that done before we move, but it really depends on our move date. I'm really just doing these things to keep busy right now. If I know that we're moving soon (like within a week), I'll save some of it for after the move.
In the meantime, I'm sure I can keep busy if I figure out what our move date is. I need that and our future address so that I can get a billion things done. For now, I'm gonna get started on tackling this day. I'll talk to you kids later.
Everybody wish Nicole Kaeding a happy birthday, will ya? ;)
I had been able to figure out every person's weird quirk, and I wanted to share them all with him. Hopefully I didn't detract from his enjoyment too much. Maybe I should've just let him watch it in peace . . . I made myself get quiet for periods of time during the show so that he might be able to sit and enjoy it. I hope it was enough!
After the show, I didn't get to talk to very many people (I had kind-of hoped to see more people I knew and loved), but I did talk to some I had been missing. It was good to see my ol' roomy Lindsey again. She looked fabulous. :)
Later that night, we went to Ehrlich's apartment to go socialize even more. Strangely, we didn't socialize as much as we thought we would, but we did end up hangin' with a group of people we enjoy in the room we so (we think) rightly called "The Sex Room." It was equipped with a red light, after all.
We crashed over at Kent and Bethany's for the night, vegged all day long with Bethany on Saturday, ate dinner with K and B that evening, and then we went home to Lebanana. For once, we weren't rushing around and killing ourselves to get from place to place in a weekend.
Sunday, we went to church with my buddies from work Andy and Jordan. They brought us back to their house, and we ate lunch with them. It was a good time, and it made us all realize (I think) that we wished we had more time previous to this to hang out more. I told them (as they were dropping us off to meet Willi's parents at our apartment around 2 p.m.) that they could come visit us up in Valparaiso once we get settled. I saw their faces light up, and that was a pretty cool feeling. I really think they're gonna miss us. We will miss them, too. Willi and I loved their house, too. It was really cute. We want one. Our visit wasn't a long one, but we had a really good time with them. I hope we'll be able to stay in touch.
Willi's parents came by our apartment shortly after we arrived. They gave us a platter from Julia (Mary's sister) who is the master of finding anything that had been discontinued from our registry. I love it. They only hung out for a short while. Then, Willi and I found ourselves with some free time in the afternoon. We watch a little tv, relaxed, and then we got ready to make dinner for when Chris came into town.
Chris and Whitney came over around 5:30, I think. I had made fried mushrooms, 6 jalapeno poppers ('cause my mom and dad had brought us 6 jalapenos last week), and some serious spaghetti with meat, tomato, and mushroom sauce. I also made some garlic bread to top it off. Oh yeah . . . good stuff. We had a really good visit with those guys. We never see them anymore, and we really like them. They're good people, and they're funny. :)
Hah! It was a couples weekend! So funny . . . the people we hung out with in "The Sex Room" on Friday were all couples, too! Jason and Nic were in there hangin' out. Amanda and Jarsh were there with us, too! Kent and Bethy were in there, but we ended up hangin' out with them more later, too. Hah . . . good times.
Well . . . I am now officially not at work for The Daily Sun. It's quite strange, really. I didn't have to go in there this morning to help finish and send out the paper. I wonder how they're doing. I miss that Mac G5, too . . .
Today, I have stuff I have to do, though. I have to call the guy's insurance to make a claim against him (dirty work). I have to take Willi's watch to get some links out (and while I'm at it, I might finally get a battery for the watch I've not worn for about six months now). Then, I'm going to go to Valparaiso to go get our apartment situation . . . well . . . situated. It sure is a full day.
Last week, I only was working from about 8 to noon everyday (to help compensate me for the long hours I worked the weeks before without getting paid for it). I'd come home, and I'd start major projects. So far, I've nearly completed recovering Willi's old, nasty orange recliner. It now has a nice, deep red plaid fabric on it. Next up is staining and varnishing our dresser, and after that, it's recovering the couch. I may attempt to get all that done before we move, but it really depends on our move date. I'm really just doing these things to keep busy right now. If I know that we're moving soon (like within a week), I'll save some of it for after the move.
In the meantime, I'm sure I can keep busy if I figure out what our move date is. I need that and our future address so that I can get a billion things done. For now, I'm gonna get started on tackling this day. I'll talk to you kids later.
Everybody wish Nicole Kaeding a happy birthday, will ya? ;)
Thursday, August 25, 2005
It has been an interesting morning for yours truly. On my way into work (on what is the second to last day of me working here at The Daily Sun), I managed to collide (T-bone style) with another vehicle whilst driving the Geo. Mind you, this other vehicle's operator believed momentarily that he was at a four-way stop, and much to his (and my) dismay, he was not. I feel bad for the guy, though. Some idiot was stopped as if he had a stop sign on my road at this particular intersection (he was opposing my direction—facing me), and he was signaling this man to go as if it were his turn. So, I could see why the man would make this mistake. Unfortunately for the man, the idiot who stopped (unnecessarily) left the scene as we impacted. So, the two of us were left to "pick up the pieces" if you will (or even if you won't).
So . . . it wasn't my fault this time. It still didn't make it any more fun, though. The man I ran into was very nice, and immediately claimed that it was his fault (which was true). The Geo doesn't look too pretty, though. It's got an eyebally hangin' out of its socket, and the bumper's screwed up. The hood is bent, too. I'm kind-of afraid that the radiator might have been dented, but I am unsure of that. I made it the rest of the way to work okay (a total of a two-minute drive from the scene of the accident).
I'm only working until about noon today, so right after, I'm going to get the accident report and take it to my insurance agent. It's funny: I let Willis borrow my driver's license yesterday to make a photocopy of it for an application for a new apartment, and when he brought it home and placed it on the counter, I somehow never saw it. So, I didn't have my license on me . . . and OF COURSE I would get into an accident when I don't have my license THIS ONE TIME. I guess it's a good thing I went through the crap at the BMV to get the Geo properly licensed/registered after all, eh?
I was planning on going to Valparaiso today to get our apartment situation worked out, but I'm not sure I should do that now. We're having trouble getting a lease signed up there. People are flakin' on us. We're probably not going to be able to move next week at this rate.
Ugh . . . what a day. I'm here at work, and I really feel like I shouldn't be. I'm just kind-of frustrated, and . . . yet . . . humored a bit. I find it interesting lately when I think about how things could be possibly more complicated. I need to quit doing that. I keep getting that ongoing question answered.
Well . . . that's all I've got for now. I hope everyone's day is goin' better than what mine seems to be so far. It's not even noon yet.
Later, taters.
So . . . it wasn't my fault this time. It still didn't make it any more fun, though. The man I ran into was very nice, and immediately claimed that it was his fault (which was true). The Geo doesn't look too pretty, though. It's got an eyebally hangin' out of its socket, and the bumper's screwed up. The hood is bent, too. I'm kind-of afraid that the radiator might have been dented, but I am unsure of that. I made it the rest of the way to work okay (a total of a two-minute drive from the scene of the accident).
I'm only working until about noon today, so right after, I'm going to get the accident report and take it to my insurance agent. It's funny: I let Willis borrow my driver's license yesterday to make a photocopy of it for an application for a new apartment, and when he brought it home and placed it on the counter, I somehow never saw it. So, I didn't have my license on me . . . and OF COURSE I would get into an accident when I don't have my license THIS ONE TIME. I guess it's a good thing I went through the crap at the BMV to get the Geo properly licensed/registered after all, eh?
I was planning on going to Valparaiso today to get our apartment situation worked out, but I'm not sure I should do that now. We're having trouble getting a lease signed up there. People are flakin' on us. We're probably not going to be able to move next week at this rate.
Ugh . . . what a day. I'm here at work, and I really feel like I shouldn't be. I'm just kind-of frustrated, and . . . yet . . . humored a bit. I find it interesting lately when I think about how things could be possibly more complicated. I need to quit doing that. I keep getting that ongoing question answered.
Well . . . that's all I've got for now. I hope everyone's day is goin' better than what mine seems to be so far. It's not even noon yet.
Later, taters.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Boone BMV
I can't help myself. This is just too much . . .
Today, I decided it'd be a good time for me to waltz over to the BMV to get the title transferred on the Geo. I was under the assumption that we had plenty of time to do this, and I was even wondering if it was even worth it to do so at all.
When I came through the door, I received a number. It was number 68. I looked up at the counter that says "Now serving #__."
It said, "Now serving #60."
"Yikes," I remember thinking to myself, "and they only have -like- two of the twelve people in the office actually working and helping people. This could be a long wait."
I was right. Not only were there only two of the twelve ladies on staff and in attendance working simultaneously at any given time, those two ladies (who would switch out with other ladies and disappear into the back room) were also incredibly and relentlessly SLOW at what they were doing. Their turnover rate was about one customer per twenty minutes between the two of them that would be working at any particular time. Many times, a lady would come from the back room towards front counter service area (many times these particular ladies would be chewing on something), and everyone in the waiting area would perk up and think to themselves, "My God! This is it! They're getting another lady in here to speed up the process! I may make it back in time to _____ after all!"
Then, the lady would look at the crowd, look at the two ladies actually working behind the counter, make some kind of inward decision, and then walk back to that back room. Those who would be waiting had the life fade out of their eyes as they would slump back into their chairs.
I was okay with the uncomfortable silence I was having with a group of older men. I was fine with us not talking or looking at each other, but time got the best of us. In the end, I found myself being told by several of them, "You know, you're a really pretty girl."
I don't mind compliments like that and stuff (and I often welcome compliments), but then they went on to say things like, "Well . . . at least we have a pretty girl to look at while we're sittin' here."
Eeek . . .
So . . . shortly after that particular statement, we went back to our uncomfortable silence, which somehow felt even more uncomfortable than it was before. I remember thinking, "Thank God we're moving away from here soon."
Finally, it came to be my turn seven numbers and at least an hour and a half later. While transferring the title, I learned that the title we received from Willi's parents was dated June 1st. Crap. Titling of a car is supposed to happen within 30 days. Yeah . . . that didn't happen. Late fees. Yay. I also had to get a new license plate even though the one that was already on there wouldn't expire until . . . well . . . until the new one I just put on there does. Bleh . . . I don't really understand the whole titling, licensing, registering, and all that crap that goes with it. I mean . . . I know it has to happen and stuff, but . . . late fees? Really? Does it have to involve long, ridiculous, absurd lines with BMV workers who can't seem to function if more than two of them are in a room at any point in time? Come on . . . we can do better than that, right? Crikey. I hear that the ladies cry because sometimes they have to work on Mondays. Pffft . . . they have such cushy hours there, it's not even funny. Sure, the building itself looks like what hell might be for me if I were to actually have to go there someday, but I imagine their job is probably not that bad. They sit there and shoot the crap with people all day long, and . . . what the crap! Only two of them have to be working simultaneously apparently. It's amazing to me, really.
I just had to share . . . It's too bad that BMVs everywhere are probably just like this one in good ol' Boone County. I dread the day I actually will decide to go renew my driver's license in my new name. Pfft . . . do I have to?
Today, I decided it'd be a good time for me to waltz over to the BMV to get the title transferred on the Geo. I was under the assumption that we had plenty of time to do this, and I was even wondering if it was even worth it to do so at all.
When I came through the door, I received a number. It was number 68. I looked up at the counter that says "Now serving #__."
It said, "Now serving #60."
"Yikes," I remember thinking to myself, "and they only have -like- two of the twelve people in the office actually working and helping people. This could be a long wait."
I was right. Not only were there only two of the twelve ladies on staff and in attendance working simultaneously at any given time, those two ladies (who would switch out with other ladies and disappear into the back room) were also incredibly and relentlessly SLOW at what they were doing. Their turnover rate was about one customer per twenty minutes between the two of them that would be working at any particular time. Many times, a lady would come from the back room towards front counter service area (many times these particular ladies would be chewing on something), and everyone in the waiting area would perk up and think to themselves, "My God! This is it! They're getting another lady in here to speed up the process! I may make it back in time to _____ after all!"
Then, the lady would look at the crowd, look at the two ladies actually working behind the counter, make some kind of inward decision, and then walk back to that back room. Those who would be waiting had the life fade out of their eyes as they would slump back into their chairs.
I was okay with the uncomfortable silence I was having with a group of older men. I was fine with us not talking or looking at each other, but time got the best of us. In the end, I found myself being told by several of them, "You know, you're a really pretty girl."
I don't mind compliments like that and stuff (and I often welcome compliments), but then they went on to say things like, "Well . . . at least we have a pretty girl to look at while we're sittin' here."
Eeek . . .
So . . . shortly after that particular statement, we went back to our uncomfortable silence, which somehow felt even more uncomfortable than it was before. I remember thinking, "Thank God we're moving away from here soon."
Finally, it came to be my turn seven numbers and at least an hour and a half later. While transferring the title, I learned that the title we received from Willi's parents was dated June 1st. Crap. Titling of a car is supposed to happen within 30 days. Yeah . . . that didn't happen. Late fees. Yay. I also had to get a new license plate even though the one that was already on there wouldn't expire until . . . well . . . until the new one I just put on there does. Bleh . . . I don't really understand the whole titling, licensing, registering, and all that crap that goes with it. I mean . . . I know it has to happen and stuff, but . . . late fees? Really? Does it have to involve long, ridiculous, absurd lines with BMV workers who can't seem to function if more than two of them are in a room at any point in time? Come on . . . we can do better than that, right? Crikey. I hear that the ladies cry because sometimes they have to work on Mondays. Pffft . . . they have such cushy hours there, it's not even funny. Sure, the building itself looks like what hell might be for me if I were to actually have to go there someday, but I imagine their job is probably not that bad. They sit there and shoot the crap with people all day long, and . . . what the crap! Only two of them have to be working simultaneously apparently. It's amazing to me, really.
I just had to share . . . It's too bad that BMVs everywhere are probably just like this one in good ol' Boone County. I dread the day I actually will decide to go renew my driver's license in my new name. Pfft . . . do I have to?
Friday, August 5, 2005
Pay Cut at the Paper
Well . . . things had a chance to sink in after I had some sleep yesterday . . . AND after Willi came home and we discussed what had gone down at work. It turns out that I'm suddenly taking a HUUGE pay cut because (and my boss used this analogy), "the airplane needs to lift off the ground."
What that means is, I'm considered a salaried employee. I don't get paid over 40 hours anymore. I wasn't getting paid enough as it was, but now . . . especially after knowing I'm still going to be putting in between 50 and 60 hours until the end . . . there's no way I could have stayed here after that meeting happened yesterday. Even if I wasn't moving, I'd have to leave this job. It would kill me. For serious.
I feel bad for Andy, though. I will probably miss him most of all. He has become a good friend of mine, and I can't even believe how stinking nice he is. I am amazed at how patient his wife is. They are beautiful, kind people. It's too bad he can't spend more time with her. He needs to get outta there. I hope he does . . . I hope she doesn't ever grow too impatient. I think he knows that at some point, he's going to have to chose his life over work. Uugh . . . sadness.
Don't work for a start-up newspaper, people. It's not a good idea. I loved it while it lasted . . . but now, my body is -like- chronically tired.
I actually, for the first time in weeks, had tonight off! I didn't know I would have it off until about 9:20 p.m. when Whitney called me and said I wouldn't be needed to finish up the paper. I was so relieved, too. Willi and I were already vegging in bed. I didn't want to have to leave it. Tomorrow is free of work, but we're going to a reunion in Seymour. We have no idea what the evening holds for us. We have some pallies meeting up in Valpo, and we wanted to meet them there . . . we may still try to attempt it. The drive from Seymour to Valpo may prove to be too serious, though. Sorry, guys . . . we'll see, though.
Know what else tomorrow is?
Wow . . . that's weird. 24. That's almost a quarter of a century.
Anyway . . . we're definitely moving. We don't know where exactly yet, but we're moving.
I need to sleep. From what Willis tells me, I have a ridiculously long day ahead of me tomorrow.
What that means is, I'm considered a salaried employee. I don't get paid over 40 hours anymore. I wasn't getting paid enough as it was, but now . . . especially after knowing I'm still going to be putting in between 50 and 60 hours until the end . . . there's no way I could have stayed here after that meeting happened yesterday. Even if I wasn't moving, I'd have to leave this job. It would kill me. For serious.
I feel bad for Andy, though. I will probably miss him most of all. He has become a good friend of mine, and I can't even believe how stinking nice he is. I am amazed at how patient his wife is. They are beautiful, kind people. It's too bad he can't spend more time with her. He needs to get outta there. I hope he does . . . I hope she doesn't ever grow too impatient. I think he knows that at some point, he's going to have to chose his life over work. Uugh . . . sadness.
Don't work for a start-up newspaper, people. It's not a good idea. I loved it while it lasted . . . but now, my body is -like- chronically tired.
I actually, for the first time in weeks, had tonight off! I didn't know I would have it off until about 9:20 p.m. when Whitney called me and said I wouldn't be needed to finish up the paper. I was so relieved, too. Willi and I were already vegging in bed. I didn't want to have to leave it. Tomorrow is free of work, but we're going to a reunion in Seymour. We have no idea what the evening holds for us. We have some pallies meeting up in Valpo, and we wanted to meet them there . . . we may still try to attempt it. The drive from Seymour to Valpo may prove to be too serious, though. Sorry, guys . . . we'll see, though.
Know what else tomorrow is?
Wow . . . that's weird. 24. That's almost a quarter of a century.
Anyway . . . we're definitely moving. We don't know where exactly yet, but we're moving.
I need to sleep. From what Willis tells me, I have a ridiculously long day ahead of me tomorrow.
Thursday, August 4, 2005
Well, I did it. Today, I talked to my boss, Tony. I told him that Willis and I are going to be moving soon. The reaction I got from it was a lot better than I anticipated. He was totally cool, and in the end, he basically shrugged his shoulders and said, "What can you do?"
That was, of course, after I told him that Willi's company has basically offered to buy out our lease and move us. So . . . the hard deed is done. I imagine we'll be moving in about a month now. I know it won't be much more than that (if it is).
He was, believe it or not, genuinely bummed that I would be leaving, and he told me he had big plans for me down the road (before I told him we were moving). He actually gave me a raise today, too. Hah . . . It's not enough, though. Not enough to justify driving an hour to and from work everyday. I told him I can't believe my husband has been driving two hours to and from work everyday and not even complained once about it. I know . . . I KNOW . . . he hates it. I hate it. He just sucks it up, though. He gets up early, and he gets in that car . . . and he goes. He goes everyday. It's heartbreaking. So . . . I knew I had to tell "the man" I was leaving.
It's good news. At the same time, I really liked that job. So . . . it's bittersweet. I just hope I have enough luck finding a job I love as much that might actually pay me somethin' to squeal about. Mostly, though, it's a relief to have told my boss. Quitting anything is so hard for me to do. Quitting a job I enjoy is definitely a step beyond.
I'll still be working there (for about a month, maybe) until they replace me, but I told Tony to go ahead and start looking for someone to help fill my shoes. It's funny . . . I have small feet, but apparently they think I have big shoes to fill there.
It's so crazy . . . this life isn't really mine, is it? It's naptime. Catch you guys later.
That was, of course, after I told him that Willi's company has basically offered to buy out our lease and move us. So . . . the hard deed is done. I imagine we'll be moving in about a month now. I know it won't be much more than that (if it is).
He was, believe it or not, genuinely bummed that I would be leaving, and he told me he had big plans for me down the road (before I told him we were moving). He actually gave me a raise today, too. Hah . . . It's not enough, though. Not enough to justify driving an hour to and from work everyday. I told him I can't believe my husband has been driving two hours to and from work everyday and not even complained once about it. I know . . . I KNOW . . . he hates it. I hate it. He just sucks it up, though. He gets up early, and he gets in that car . . . and he goes. He goes everyday. It's heartbreaking. So . . . I knew I had to tell "the man" I was leaving.
It's good news. At the same time, I really liked that job. So . . . it's bittersweet. I just hope I have enough luck finding a job I love as much that might actually pay me somethin' to squeal about. Mostly, though, it's a relief to have told my boss. Quitting anything is so hard for me to do. Quitting a job I enjoy is definitely a step beyond.
I'll still be working there (for about a month, maybe) until they replace me, but I told Tony to go ahead and start looking for someone to help fill my shoes. It's funny . . . I have small feet, but apparently they think I have big shoes to fill there.
It's so crazy . . . this life isn't really mine, is it? It's naptime. Catch you guys later.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Well, today was my first day off in about two weeks, I think. It's been SERIOUS at work. We moved offices in the middle of last week which, coincidentally, also happened to be the fair AND the week that we decided to go daily. Oh, and in the middle of the week, someone brilliantly mis-planned and our internet was disconnected for about two days. That was painful.
Today, I slept in until one. I made Willi go to the pool with me not much after I awoke (and we watched the second half of Jerry McGuire). We then went and did some random grocery shopping, movie renting, and potting soil buying (actually, in reverse order). I needed to re-pot some plants that are on our patio. Our tomatoes are lookin' like they're gonna be spriggin' some reddies soon. I can't wait! I hope nobody steals this one like they stole our two pepper plants. Punk rockers. I want to cut them. Who steals plants!? Man . . . I can't believe that still makes me so angry.
I started to talk to Andy (from work) last night about how I'll probably have to make a choice soon about where Willi and I are going to be living (and where I'm going to be working). I didn't tell him the decision was basically already made (I didn't think that would be prudent). I laid the whole scenario on the table and told him that Willi is still driving to work two hours to and from everyday, and it makes me sick. Even living an hour away from my work would reak for both of us because, honestly, I think driving more than 45 minutes to work is completely ridiculous for anyone. So . . . I basically did a little pre-warning, but I also assured him that I wouldn't make that decision (to leave) until things calmed down at work. Who knows when that is actually going to happen. So, who knows when Willi and I will actually be moving. It's gotta be long before winter because I can't have my boy driving that far . . . and north . . . in winter. I would go NUTS! I couldn't stand it.
It's heartbreaking, though. All of it. I loved my job here in Lebanon. I really did. I almost cried while I was telling Andy the scenario last night. I told him that I'm pretty sure that jobs that I might love aren't going to be easy to find. I've gotta make this choice, though. That's life. That's being married. My choices don't just affect me anymore. Unfortunately, the choice is basically already in the bag. I just didn't mention that. Man . . . this is going to be so hard. When will there be a time in my life where there's no struggle? It seems that since my senior year of college, life has been an uphill battle. First, I was devastated that I was graduating and leaving having just started dating Willis. Willi proposed, and my parents weren't as thrilled about it as normal people would have been. I graduated, found a job, and I hated it. Then, I quit that job--and not in a way that people should. I struggled when I couldn't find another job right away. I worked as a waitress after that. Then, I started this job, which I loved. I planned a wedding virutally on my own (which . . . honestly . . . wasn't that much fun, and the support I got was minimal if the Browns hadn't stepped in and helped out. Otherwise, it was basically unavailable). Now, I'm here (which is okay), married (which I love, and I love Willi), and I'm having to leave a job that I adore. I don't adore the hours, though. I also don't adore Willis having to drive so far. Willi's job is better for both of us, and if one of us had to chose between either of our jobs, we'd both have to pick his. We don't even know if my job will still be around in a month (theoretically). So . . . the heartbreak is still here . . . and why? Because I love the people. I can't base a decision for two people based on the fact that I work with people I enjoy. It's just hard. That's all. It's hard to find likeable people in the first place. Finding a job that has likeable people is like finding a needle in a haystack. I'm hoping that I can recover from this . . . Willi, if you're reading this, I'm warning you that I could go through a phase of bein' really needy once I leave this place. I imagine there's going to be a pretty vicious void. After all, I'm working nearly 60 hours a week with these people. I don't even think I'm sleeping a quarter of that time. If I am, it's an odd kind of sleep. It's afternoon nap sleep. It's three in the morning until 6 a.m. kind of sleep. I could go into shock. I just hope I'm sane enough to recognize that about myself and move on . . . Mental health is such a slippery slope now and then . . . Hah!
Alright . . . I should probably attempt to get myself to bed, but sleeping until one was GLORIOUS. Willi has been cashed out for about an hour and a half, but that's due to the fact that he'd been awake since about 10:30 . . . Plus, he's an old man now. :)
Can you freaking believe I'm gonna be 24 in less than a week, now? Weeeeeiiird.
Life gets easier, right? God . . . I hope so.
Today, I slept in until one. I made Willi go to the pool with me not much after I awoke (and we watched the second half of Jerry McGuire). We then went and did some random grocery shopping, movie renting, and potting soil buying (actually, in reverse order). I needed to re-pot some plants that are on our patio. Our tomatoes are lookin' like they're gonna be spriggin' some reddies soon. I can't wait! I hope nobody steals this one like they stole our two pepper plants. Punk rockers. I want to cut them. Who steals plants!? Man . . . I can't believe that still makes me so angry.
I started to talk to Andy (from work) last night about how I'll probably have to make a choice soon about where Willi and I are going to be living (and where I'm going to be working). I didn't tell him the decision was basically already made (I didn't think that would be prudent). I laid the whole scenario on the table and told him that Willi is still driving to work two hours to and from everyday, and it makes me sick. Even living an hour away from my work would reak for both of us because, honestly, I think driving more than 45 minutes to work is completely ridiculous for anyone. So . . . I basically did a little pre-warning, but I also assured him that I wouldn't make that decision (to leave) until things calmed down at work. Who knows when that is actually going to happen. So, who knows when Willi and I will actually be moving. It's gotta be long before winter because I can't have my boy driving that far . . . and north . . . in winter. I would go NUTS! I couldn't stand it.
It's heartbreaking, though. All of it. I loved my job here in Lebanon. I really did. I almost cried while I was telling Andy the scenario last night. I told him that I'm pretty sure that jobs that I might love aren't going to be easy to find. I've gotta make this choice, though. That's life. That's being married. My choices don't just affect me anymore. Unfortunately, the choice is basically already in the bag. I just didn't mention that. Man . . . this is going to be so hard. When will there be a time in my life where there's no struggle? It seems that since my senior year of college, life has been an uphill battle. First, I was devastated that I was graduating and leaving having just started dating Willis. Willi proposed, and my parents weren't as thrilled about it as normal people would have been. I graduated, found a job, and I hated it. Then, I quit that job--and not in a way that people should. I struggled when I couldn't find another job right away. I worked as a waitress after that. Then, I started this job, which I loved. I planned a wedding virutally on my own (which . . . honestly . . . wasn't that much fun, and the support I got was minimal if the Browns hadn't stepped in and helped out. Otherwise, it was basically unavailable). Now, I'm here (which is okay), married (which I love, and I love Willi), and I'm having to leave a job that I adore. I don't adore the hours, though. I also don't adore Willis having to drive so far. Willi's job is better for both of us, and if one of us had to chose between either of our jobs, we'd both have to pick his. We don't even know if my job will still be around in a month (theoretically). So . . . the heartbreak is still here . . . and why? Because I love the people. I can't base a decision for two people based on the fact that I work with people I enjoy. It's just hard. That's all. It's hard to find likeable people in the first place. Finding a job that has likeable people is like finding a needle in a haystack. I'm hoping that I can recover from this . . . Willi, if you're reading this, I'm warning you that I could go through a phase of bein' really needy once I leave this place. I imagine there's going to be a pretty vicious void. After all, I'm working nearly 60 hours a week with these people. I don't even think I'm sleeping a quarter of that time. If I am, it's an odd kind of sleep. It's afternoon nap sleep. It's three in the morning until 6 a.m. kind of sleep. I could go into shock. I just hope I'm sane enough to recognize that about myself and move on . . . Mental health is such a slippery slope now and then . . . Hah!
Alright . . . I should probably attempt to get myself to bed, but sleeping until one was GLORIOUS. Willi has been cashed out for about an hour and a half, but that's due to the fact that he'd been awake since about 10:30 . . . Plus, he's an old man now. :)
Can you freaking believe I'm gonna be 24 in less than a week, now? Weeeeeiiird.
Life gets easier, right? God . . . I hope so.
Friday, June 17, 2005
Mrs. Brown
Holy crap! The wedding and the honeymoon are over! I am now known as Jenny Brown. How crazy is this!? Wow. I'm doubting I'll ever get used to that.
Anywho . . . the honeymoon was a total blast. We went to Cumberland Lake in Kentucky, and we basically chilled on a houseboat for the whole week. We went fishing, watched movies, sat around, goofed off, and . . . well . . . did other things that married people do. It was so totally awesome, and while it wasn't the most expensive or lavish of vacations, it was the stinking coolest thing I could've ever imagined for a honeymoon. I loved it. Everyone needs to try houseboating . . . for real. Awesome.
I actually caught a channel catfish! I never catch anything! Willi caught two rainbow trout while we were there, too.
Now, I'm here at the apartment in Lebanon. Willi's off to Jason's Bach party in Indy tonight. So, I'm braving this place alone. Bravin' it, I am. Unfortunately, our place isn't even really close to bein' a "home" yet. We've got boxes everywhere. We don't have silverware. We don't have a trash can. So . . . it's kind-of weird. We have just about every stinkin' kitchen gadget you'd ever need or think of, and we've got every single kind of "maker" that you'd ever need. So, that's fun and stuff.
I don't think many people know this, but I got into a fender bender the day of the wedding. I was heading to get my hair done at Christina and Company, and when I went to stop at the stop light, I just slid right through. It had rained just enough to make it oily slick outside. It was awful . . . I was a mess. I was a royal mess. Scott Brown was there to try to console me and keep me calm, but I know the man had to be thinking, "How can I make her stop crying? How can I make her stop crying? How can I make her stop crying!?"
Shortly after the accident occurred (and I couldn't find my registration to save my LIFE), Bethany Robison showed up in her car, picked me up, and took me to my hair appointment. She found me at my worst. I was red-faced, puffy, drowning in mucous and tears, and the last thing on my mind was the fact that I'd actually be getting married that day . . . it was sick. Thank God for Bethany, though. Seriously. Thank you Bethany. That's a friend. That's you.
By the way, my car is totaled. Yeah. No car at the moment. We're still trying to figure out how I'm gonna get to work on Monday. Oh life . . .
Oh . . . also, on my wedding day, I totally fell face first down the stairs of the church on my way to get my dress on. I didn't land on my face but I got a nasty bruise on my knee. It was serious. I had to ice it, even.
What's crazy is, somehow my sister Julie went through the day without having a CLUE that I had even been in a car accident. She was in the hotel, and somehow, she managed to miss every single mention of the fact that I had been in an accident. How nuts!
So weird . . .
Alright, I'm gonna go in search of a few necessities for our apartment while doing some laundry. Oh man . . . the laundry heap is serious. I don't think we'll ever be done with laundry from here on out. I hope I can find some necessities like a sponge for dishes, maybe a trash can, you know . . . basics like that. Luckily Willi left me with a car.
Gotta go. Later. This is Jenny Brown. *blink* Out.
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