This was when we drove past it the very first time . . . they were reroofing here.
View from the facing front-left.
View of the driveway (to the garage).
Front porch. There's a swing behind me, too!
Kitchen . . . lovely Robin's Egg Blue . . . or not . . . hahaa!
Here's the lovely carpet . . . that we'll be ripping up . . . Check out the woodwork in this place, though!
Dining area.
View of the livingroom . . . those curtains are killin' me along with the carpet . . .
Landing on second floor. Mary Brown is standing in the upstairs bathroom there . . .
Lovely veneer walled bedroom . . . the veneer is going as well . . .
That poor, poor child . . .
At least that poor, poor child wasn't alone, eh?
Masta bedroom . . . oh yeah.
Attic action.
More attic.
Upstairs bathroom (sorry . . . I didn't post pics of the downstairs bathroom . . .)
Awesome mirror in upstairs bathroom.
The Miller-Brownage in the basement . . .
This is the washery . . . hahaa!
Garage. There's also a yard back here that's not too bad . . .
All in all . . . pretty stinkin' sweet. We are so relieved.
Now, excuse me while I go drink some bubbly to celebrate this with my hub.