Wow . . . that went fast. Wow . . .
Lena's wedding was absolutely beautiful. She looked amazing (as if there was any doubt that she would). I was totally nervous when I did all the readings involved with the ceremony, but only she and Willis could tell ('cause they know me best). I got lots of compliments from Catholics. One lady stopped me in the bathroom at the reception and said, "You must read at masses all the time! Where do you go to church?"
She was a little surprised when I was like, "Whooooooo!"
I had no idea how well I'd done because . . . well . . . I've never seen it done before (nor heard it). So . . . I was pretty afraid that I was terrible.
I saw a lot of people at the reception that I'd not seen in a long time. It was good to see those familiar faces.
Willis and I ended up not staying very long at the reception. I was feeling bad that he didn't know anybody there. Plus, the DJ wasn't suitin' my fancy a whole lot with his choices (until Melissa got in there and made some requests, and then I think the guy turned around a bit). I ended up dancing to one song with Melissa, Dessa, and the Craig mini-me (Craig is Lena's brother--married to Melissa, Dessa is Lena's sister, and Craig's mini-me is his son, Ethan). Then, I decided I should be nice to Willi and get him back to where he knew people, so we took off. I felt pretty guilty about leaving (as I was a bridesmaid and everything), but . . . it's also our anniversary weekend. So, we kind-of wanted to start thinking about that, too.
Anyway, I have some really horrible photos (quality-wise, not content-wise) that I took during the weekend (and some Willi took for me):

Lena's gettin' her hair did in this one.

Craig's mini-me. He is soooo cute . . .

This is quite possibly the best photo of me of the day, and it still looks pretty bad.

That's my hair.

Me and Lena.

That's the best shot I've got of her dress, unfortunately. I didn't get much time to be a real photographer . . .

Me dancin' with Craig's mini-me to "Don't Cha." He liked it.
One thing I forgot to mention: after Lena and Brett danced together and then with their respective parents, the DJ asked, "Are Willis and Jenny Brown here?"
We were like, "Right here."
Then, he said that Lena and Brett had dedicated our wedding song to us for our anniversary.
I then became irreconcilable for about ten minutes or so while we were dancing to our song. I'm such an emotional mess now! When did this happen to me!? I remember pointing and laughing at my mom when we were watching movies and she'd cry. Now, I might actually be worse than she is. What the crap?
We woke up at the Brown house on our anniversary, and after Mary Brown made us some scrumptrilescent food for breakfast (a warm, rice pudding and biscuits and gravy), we headed back North (in two separate cars). My hair was still up from the day before (it barely moved). We got back to the house, hung out for a few minutes, and then, we decided to head to New Buffalo to see what it's like over there.
While we were there (it's an amazing-looking resort town, really), we found a neat restaurant near the lake called The Stray Dog. So, we stopped in to eat, and it was awesome. Nobody will believe this, but while we were sitting there, someone I knew came up to our table to get my attention. It was Lyndi Haverstock--one of my old U. Choir friends. Man . . . it was good to see her. She looks great--especially with her hair long like she has it now. I'm hoping she and I will be able to hang out and catch up before she has to move to Indy in August.
Then, Willi and I came home, we sat and watched TV for awhile, he helped me take my hair down (which took awhile), ate some of our wedding cake (still good), drank the bottle of wine Nic and Jason bought for us (and told us which to drink and when--thanks, guys!), watched Old School (still funny), and that was basically all she wrote!
It's amazing how an unplanned anniversary still turned out to be pretty stinkin' great. I've been trying to think of something for us to do that day for months, and I couldn't think of anything (especially based on the amount of time we'd have).
Well . . . one wedding down, one to go for the summer. For now, it's back to work. Oy . . .
Funny thing about the previous statement: we were sitting in our living room, and I said to Willis, "Well . . . one down, and one to go."
He nervously goes, "Do you mean anniversaries?"
I can't believe it, man . . . this kid is five today.

Is this not the most hilarious picture you've ever seen?