There has been so much happening around here. I can't complete a coherent thought. My short-term memory is absent. I'm trying not to be irritated by all the unknowns of right now, but it's really hard. Luckily, today brought some things to my attention that make it easier to avoid focusing on that irritation.
Firstly, we're pulling Nora from preschool at the end of April (due to the moving/unknowns of our life in the coming weeks). When I told her teachers, they were so kind to offer to let Henry join her on her last two days. So, today, Henry is at school with Nora. He has been so excited about it all week.
This morning, they were dressed in their special shirts that Lena made for them (Henry's monster shirt and Nora's "Nora" shirt with a penguin on it). I knew Nora would like for them to be matching.
Nora helped Henry all morning, and she told me she would take care of him at school. They were so excited and hugging each other all morning, and I am furious with myself for not grabbing the camera.
They both were ready for school in record time, waiting by the door. We were about ten minutes early to school. They didn't quite know how to handle that. Henry practically ran into the classroom when the door opened, and Nora stayed back with me giving me the last-minute hugs and kisses. He was ready, and he was so excited!
I got a call last night from the preschool in the neighborhood where we are moving (hopefully), and the lady said that they could only hold Nora's spot for one more day without the registration fee. It sounded like there wasn't any chance of Henry being able to go to school next year (no room at present), but . . . that's okay. He's probably more ready for preschool than Nora is, but it'll be alright. Everett will start getting bigger (and running soon!) and need some entertainment when Nora is gone, anyway. I went ahead, bit the bullet, and paid the fee—never having visited the preschool. The teacher was so communicative with me without ever having met me, and because of that, I took a leap of faith.

By the way, I'm able to write this blog post because my little buddy is taking a snooze—a rare treat for this moi.
After dropping off Nora and Henry this morning, I did some quick running around with Everett. I stopped at the grocery to buy toilet paper (we were in dire toilet paper straits—Henry's been toilet training). I parked next to a car that had an elderly gentleman in it who was asleep, and it appeared that he might even be living out of his car. Well, I hoped he was asleep. As I went inside the store, I was pondering what I should do (if I should do) anything. The guy was parked right next to the store (not in the back of the lot). I was seriously afraid he could be dead in there. I wondered if I should tap his window to see if he'd wake up. At the same time, I didn't want to draw attention to him if he were truly just there sleeping (and trying to survive). Luckily, I was so preoccupied with him and getting Everett out of the car with me, I forgot to grab my purse. So, I got the opportunity to run back outside and look at the guy one more time. He was sitting up, thank goodness. As I left, I was pondering if there was anything I could or should have done for him, and I couldn't come up with any good ideas. Sometimes, people just want to be left alone. I know sometimes, they don't, though. If I had bought more than just toilet paper, I would've considered giving him some food or something. I hate those moments where I wonder if I could've done something to help, and I think I might have just passed it by. Maybe if I weren't such a flake . . .
In other news, we have no idea what our closing date is on our current house. We've hit some serious snags with our buyer and her pending divorce. All we can do is wait. We hope to, at least, get a tiny bit of news today. It's really been frustrating. Home purgatory—that's what I'm calling it.
Also, work has been really, really serious for both of us (Willis and me). So . . . we have a collective heart raisin. It's a thing. Google it.
Okay. I had to take a break to pick up the kids.
Apparently, Henry did really well at school, but ever since I picked him up, he's been fairly heinous. It's kind-of hilarious. Here. Look.

He wanted nothing to do with me taking his picture.
Well, I suppose this experience means that maybe he's not really ready for Preschool just yet. Who knew?
Just for kicks, here are some snapshots of the other two monkeys.

That's what's happenin'. Dilly out.