Firstly, our neighbor Frank mowed and trimmed our yard while we were at work on Tuesday. I think he may have even picked up dog poo, too. At first, Willi and I thought, "Oh, man . . . he must be tired of looking at our yard (we've not been keeping up on it that well this year due to me not being able to help much and due to us being so ridiculous busy with getting ready for this kid)," but now that I've thought about it for a couple days, I'm pretty sure the guy was just being nice. I should seriously bake him some cookies or something . . . but when!? He's such a nice neighbor.
Secondly, Halloween came and went! Trick-or-treating was Sunday night in my neighborhood. I totally thought it started at 6 p.m., but it apparently started at 4 p.m. So, I was late getting out there with my candy. I felt bad about that. We still had a bajillion kids come, though.
Randy and Kelly came over with their little rats. Melissa was Elmo. She was sooooo stinkin' cute. I wish I'd busted out the camera. Marian had on a cute little pumpkin outfit. Her butt had a jack-o-lantern face. It was neat to meet her. She's a good little baby.
Willi made beef and noodles that day for us all to eat for dinner, and it was awesome. He's as good as somebody's grandma with that stuff. He's gettin' to be a pro with that crock pot. I'm loving it. It's so tasty, and it makes my life so easy. Randy and Kelly brought desserts, and we scarfed.
During trick-or-treating, we did have a random kid ask to use our bathroom while her mother waited for her at our steps. We let her, of course, but . . . it was still a little strange. I escorted her through the house, of course, but not in the actual bathroom.
Here's what I dressed as for Halloween (this is probably the worst photo of me pregnant that there is so far). People at work peer pressure me into dressing up for Halloween every year, and this year, I took the apathetic route. Nobody yelled at me.
I kept having to change up the face because I kept knocking the mouth off on my desk. I kept giving it facial expressions to match my mood. You're lucky you're not seeing the mean face here.
Also, I helped to make this girl's costume possible. Check it out.
I did the measurements and cut out all those letters. I didn't actually put it together, though.
Here's the back with the nutrition facts and whatnot. I'm pretty proud of myself on this one especially since I was doing those letters and things based on proportions and math. I'm terrible with math.
Last night on Halloween, we discovered this scary action in our basement. We're pretty creeped out by it, and we've got NO idea what to do about it since we've never heard of anything like this ever happening before. Check it out:
This is our basement floor next to the water heater. Yeah. That's a hole.
Closer look at the hole.
Shot of the floor of the hole. Our cat could seriously fit down here and take a comfortable little stroll. How scary is that!? This is below our basement floor!
Here's a shot from inside the hole. I have no idea what direction this is facing . . . but it might be towards where our furnace sits.
Here's another shot inside the hole. It's pretty creepy down there. Since it was Halloween, I half expected to pull my camera out, look at the LCD screen, and see some creepy beast living down there or something. It was dark in that hole when I took those pictures. Scary, scary stuff, man.
Has anybody ever heard of there being -like- a crawlspace underneath a basement before!? What is this!?
In other news, I definitely passed my glucose screening test with flying colors. I needed less than a 130 to pass, and I scored a 117. So, I win. Everything else is pretty much normal. (I had a doc appointment this morning.) My iron is a twinge low, but I can handle that, I'm sure. I have stretch marks in places I never dreamed would see stretch marks. For example, my calves now have stretch marks. How messed up is that? My belly doesn't have any, though, surprisingly. I'm sure it will before I'm done.
Oof . . . I think that's all I have for now. Dilly out.
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