I forgot to mention in my previous post that there are a few photos in there from Hobbes', Nora's, and my trip to the dog park earlier in the week. Hobbes made some friends, and I made a friend in a snapping turtle. Well . . . I say that, but I'm pretty sure that turtle was ready to kick my @$$. You saw the pictures, right? He doesn't look pleased.
In other news, my lovah is leaving me for the weekend. He has a work trip in South Carolina, and I think Nora pie and I are gonna go stay with my Ps.
Nora took a three-hour nap today. I had time to mow the yard, trim the yard, pick up poo (not necessarily in that order), shower, and eat lunch before she awoke. It was astounding. I also managed to work several hours today as well. Criminey. Willis said it best in an email when I told him all that I had accomplished, "You are woman. Hear you roar."
I've been thinking a lot lately about painting and drawing again. I think I miss it. If I do get into it again, I might scan some stuff and post it. Maybe. This is all hypothetical right now. If I really get crazy about it, I might even start up a separate blog for it. Now, if I could just stumble upon some time for that . . .
Nora hasn't rolled over since yesterday. She did her first roll over, a little while later, I had her do it again, and then that night, she wouldn't do it anymore. Today, I waited all day to have her try (to have her save up her energy so that Willis could see her), and she wouldn't do it when I finally tried. It's sadness. Willis still hasn't seen it—only on video.
I'm so stoked: I made Slaney's blog today. Her 'away message' on Google Talk said, "The person who invented packing peanuts has some serious explaining to do."
In response, I said, "The person who invented packing peanuts also needs to explain why sometimes they smell like popcorn, and, yet, I cannot eat them."
I always get excited when I make Slaney's blog.

I should be sleeping now.
I put Nora down a little later than usual. The little rat didn't want to go to sleep, and she didn't want to nurse either. So, I decided to try to lay her down in her bed. She looked up, smiled at me, and then looked at her mobile. I stepped out of the room and listened for a bit, and she was quiet. I went downstairs and turned on the video monitor, and I watched as she stared at the mobile, found her thumb, and then promptly went to sleep.
I seriously do not know if they can make easier babies than mine. I fear the difficulty of further offspring.
Okay . . . seriously. I need to go to bed.
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