Hobbes got seriously spooked from the fireworks that my cousins were shooting off in the yard on Friday night, and he leapt on top of our tent (between the rain guard and the actual tent), flattening it completely while Nora was sleeping inside. I couldn't get him to come out, and I actually had to step onto the flattened tent (completely horrified that I could possibly step on Nora in the process) to pull Hobbes out of there so I could pop the tent back up to check on Nora. It seemed like minutes went by, but I seriously think it was only about 25 seconds or so before I got him off and got the tent in a position where I could get inside and check on Nora. I was freaking out the whole time because I never heard a peep from Nora, and I knew that she should be awake and crying. Of course, the dog burst into the tent before I did when I had unzipped about three inches of opening. He was really freaked. I ran in after him, muscled him into his bed in the corner, laid down on the ground next to Nora, and I shoved my ear in her face. There she was: perfectly fine, and sucking her thumb in her sleep. I sat and sobbed for about ten minutes after all of that. I don't think I've ever been so scared in my whole life.
So . . . if that little event hadn't happened, I'd have been a much happier camper. It was already stressful enough camping with a six-month-old baby and a toddler of a dog.
I could've done without the mosquitoes, too, honestly.
I was also concerned for half of the day on Friday that Nora had a sunburn on her face, but it turns out that I just got sunscreen in her eye. So, she was having a reaction to that.
I did get to play some volleyball, Bocci Ball (first time ever), and I saw some people I hadn't seen in way too long. So, that was fun.
I also got to run over and check out Lena and Brett's house for a little bit on Friday. That place is going to be amazing when they're done.
Without further ado, here are some photos of the weekend:

The first three photos were taken while I was packing up to go to Wolcott, and Nora was napping. I looked at the monitor at one point downstairs, and I realized I couldn't see Nora in her bed. I was kind-of freaked out at that, so I ran upstairs to check on her. The little rat was sleeping "under the radar" in her crib. Silly girl.

Anyway, there are a couple really sweet shots of my Nora in there, but you should just see how awesome this wedding was. I think my brother is really happy, and that makes me happy.
Photographer Blog 1
Photographer Blog 2
More Photos 1
More Photos 2
I've got lots to do today. We're having some guests this week, so I've got some prep work to do. I also need to, you know, work.
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