I have to make this brief . . . because I am sooo tired today.
Firstly, we had a blast this weekend with some friends of ours. We had a lot of people in our living room at one time, and it was awesome.
See? We're all definitely playing You Don't Know Jack. Good game. Fun times.
Oh, and here's where Hobbes was sitting:
Yesterday was my birthday, and I got some flowers from the Shines (oldest sister and fam). They're daisies and they smell yummy. I tried to take a picture of them with my phone, but my phone has decided that I can no longer upload those photos from my phone . . . which is odd.
Willi's getting me a garage door for my birthday so that I can open and close it in the middle of winter without dying. So, that is sweet of him.

Ma and Pa came and took us out to dinner last night. That was good times. This is why I'm sleepy today.
I need a nap. For real. That is all.
I completely forgot to mention that Andy and Jordan stopped by our house on their way back to Lebanon from Chicago on Sunday afternoon. (I should not post on tired days.) Andy's the other Graphic Designer I used to work with at the Daily Sun (before Whitney joined the crew, of course), and Jordan is his wife. I have mentioned him before in prior posts (which I'm sure are very hard to read now that I've changed the format of everything on this site) about the newspaper, etc. That mostly happened when I worked there back in 2005 and before we moved away. Jordan's pregnant now just like me—only she's about 6 weeks ahead of me. It's wild: she looks absolutely fabulous pregnant, and I was standing next to her and realized that my belly is about as big as hers is. Oi. I'm beginning to think that I must just be a huge pregnant person (even though I've not really gained weight at all).
It was nice to catch up with them a bit. They're good people. It'd be cool if we could see them more often. It'd be cool if we could see all our friends more often. *sigh*
*second edit*
Holy crap . . . I also forgot to mention the awesomeness of the speaker system that Jason and Nic brought to our house. Jason designs speakers for Klipsch, and he totally hooked us up with a sweet little system. It's completely changed our lives. He has so royally spoiled us, it's not even funny. We will never be able to watch TV with just the sound coming from the TV again. We're too good for it now—now that we have this awesome system. We totally win. Thanks again, guys!
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