It's so weird up here. How can you not want a real tree!? It's not like you're destroying the world: they grow trees specifically for Christmas, and they get chopped down anyway. They smell awesome. I can't imagine not having a real one. I can't imagine having to store a fake one. Blah. Sersly. And then, when you're done with the tree, you have some awesome firewood for summer time fires. Heck yeah. Maybe I'm like this because I come from the boonies, but Willi says he's never had a fake tree. That guy's a townie.
We also decorated for Christmas on Saturday. Check it.
I could've probably cleaned off my little end table there, but . . . I was in the midst of working on some thank you notes.
We love those big, fat lights.
Here's a view of the Christmas awesomeness that is our living room right now. Look at our puppy. Sometimes he rests his head on the armrest and watches the fire from his chair.
Here's a closeup of the nativity scene we have. Willi made it (and by made it, I think he painted it and maybe constructed the stable box) in Bible school a long time ago, I think. It's pretty cute.
I like to put lights on this window. It's a cool window.
I made this bad boy out of tree clippings, a stiff wire, a chain, and hot glue. I'm pretty proud of it.
View through the front window.
View of our house from the street. Willi put up the lights outside for me.
We don't go too crazy with the decorating, but it works for us.
Sunday, we worked on baby stuff. We've made some progress, but we've still got a lot to do. Willi put together the stroller (which is freaking sweet and all-terrain, basically), the baby swing, and the bouncy seat yesterday while I went through baby clothes and whatnot (and organized stuff). This week, we plan to set up the Pack n' Play in our bedroom because it has a bassinet in it. Once we do that, we're officially ready to have this kid if it comes early. Somewhat. I still need to get some kind of changing table situation going, but if we got desperate, I'm sure we could set something up. I still need to do some serious, serious laundry before this kid can come, too. I haven't washed a single clothing item for this baby yet. Oof. See what I mean? We still have a lot to do. Kid . . . you better stay put for awhile. I'd like to be over this cold before I go into labor, too.
This week, I've gotta get my house ready for holiday visitors. Over the next two weekends, our immediate families are coming. That means I need to be de-catting the house this week. I hope I can do it. I hope this cold goes away, too. It's doing better, but I'm still hacking up a lung every now and then. I've been using Breathe-Right strips the past couple of nights, and they're pretty sweet. I may kick this thing yet. Plus, I just took the last of my Z-pack this morning, so this thing better get going.
Last night was our Christmas dinner for work. We, of course, got another photo taken there. I'll be sharing that soon (once we get it).
To all you kids taking finals right now, good luck. Thank God I'm not in your shoes. Teehee. I wouldn't fit in your shoes right now anyway (well . . . unless you are Christopher, and in which case, I could still probably go skiing. Oh, wait. No I can't. Nevermind.).
Dilly out!
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