Okay. I got to work, and a couple of ladies in my department said that I look like I've dropped since yesterday. I'm posting the photo from yesterday and the photo from today to see if there's a difference. What do you think? I can't really tell . . .
I feel lately like this kid might be dropping. I have to go to the bathroom a heck of a lot more.
What's more: if I have this kid right now, he/she wouldn't be considered early anymore. I'm technically full-term now.
I almost got to find out what the sex was yesterday, but we were in such a rush (my appointment was really, really late, and the CNM was in a hurry, I think. I seriously waited an hour before my appointment actually began). She was trying to hear the heartbeat as usual, and the kid was moving away from it. So, she ended up deciding to take me into the room with the small ultrasound machine to peek and get the heart rate. I didn't see anything, though. I was looking! If that ends up happening again, I may really push to have a peak. It'd be really helpful with us in our preparations (we can bust out some more infant gender-specific clothes and get them ready, then).
Everything else was normal at the appointment, though. So . . . I'm sittin' pretty (and huge). Three more weeks. Three more weeks!?
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