Maggie comes tomorrow to take some REAL photos of her, and I'm soooo excited! Maggie rules.
I'm rather tired today. I may attempt a nap here as soon as I get done posting photos.
I imagine my tiredness is directly correlated to my obsession with working on Nora's room today. I tackled the huge pile of "stuff" that was in the corner of the room, and now, we could actually fit the crib in there! Once we do that, I can start hanging stuff up on the walls and organize the closet and whatnot (when we figure out what to do with Willi's closet stuff, that is).
This kid has been fairly needy with me today. She did hang out in the bouncy seat while I did some stuff in her room, so she actually wasn't that bad. She's just been fussy and needy since then. I'm guessing she's making up for that time. I'm okay with that, though, 'cause I like it that she needs me.
I gave her a bath today, and she wasn't too happy about that.
Ooop. I think she's starting to wake up, and I'm pretty sure she's going to want to eat once she becomes fully aware. Gotta run.