Monday, January 7, 2008

Still Huge.

Four days after the due date, I'm still preggers. I have a feeling that this kid still might not be here for awhile yet. It's funny: we've tried everything under the sun that is supposed to induce labor naturally (besides the one thing that all websites say "do not do this unless you know you have started labor"). Yeah. None of it works. None. Of. It. Some of it produced contractions, I guess, but I'm still pregnant.

So, now we just sit and wait for the baby, pretty much. We set the swing up in the living room downstairs, and I kept glancing over at it last night. Things are going to be different when this baby walks out of me one day.

Today, Willis and I walked in the door at work, and everyone turned, looked at us, and went, "Awww."

It wasn't the good kind-of "aww," either.

I quickly scampered to my desk and hid there.

You know in Office Space when they keep asking Peter about his TPS reports? I've become Peter, and my pregnancy is a memo about TPS reports. This is why I referenced the Michael Bolton face awhile back. You remember that, right? I still make that face at least once a day at work.

My flip flops are too tight. I busted 'em out today since it's -like- 60 degrees outside (and I was pretty certain that socks were not going to happen, and if socks weren't going to happen, shoes wouldn't happen either). That's boggling my mind, too (the weather). We definitely had 18 inches of snow on the ground -like- three days ago, and now, nothing. Also, three days ago, I was just posting that we saw -3 degrees on our car thermometer. It's 60 today. It's January 7th. 60. Degrees. Fahrenheit.

I also threw up in my mouth four times while I was sleeping last night, so I eventually ended up sleeping sitting up. Willis about flipped out 'cause he thought all my commotion was me going into labor. Poor kid. Nope. I was just trying to adjust the pillows so I could sleep sitting up and not barf. I even took Tums twice throughout the night. It was hardcore.

Willi did make some awesome white chili yesterday. He used leftover turkey, and it was scrumptrilescent. It was nice and spicy (one of the things that's supposed to help induce labor, BTW), and it's highly possible it contributed to the barfing in my mouth since I had two bowls. It was really good. He's a crock pot master. We now have several meals frozen because of that guy. He's so domestic. That's handy.

Yesterday, we went to go see I Am Legend because we could. I didn't want the last movie that I saw at the movie theater to be Beowulf. (I thought Beowulf was pretty terrible—even though the graphics were cool.)

I Am Legend was pretty good. I totally cried through -like- half of it, but I liked it. My shoulder was also really tight after watching it as well. (It's pretty seriously action-packed.) I had to do Yoga this morning to fix it.

This is a website I'm checkin' out today. Top 100 Baby Names.

Watching the presidential debates has been fairly hilarious. I must admit it. Willis thinks I hate it, but I do find it mildy entertaining (and sometimes it's very entertaining). I even watched the Democratic side of the debates on Saturday night, too. I was proud of me.

Alright. Dilly out.

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