The baby's heartbeat is normal. I have to go back to the hospital tonight to do a non-stress test, though. So, hopefully that goes well (and I assume it will). Willi's gonna come with me for that tonight. I scheduled it so that he could. I apparently have to do two of those a week now that I'm overdue. Plus, I am going to basically be living at the doctor's office, I think. I have to go back on on Monday morning (if I haven't exploded yet).
She "helped me out" a little bit this morning (by stretching things—I'll spare you the details). So, hopefully that'll start something. It hasn't started anything yet, but I'm still hoping.
She did say that I'll have to be induced, though, if I don't have this kid within a week from today. I'm bummed about that a bit (because I'm really kind-of scared that I won't go by then). She did offer up induction at any point (if I want to), and I told her, "No thanks. I've already waited it out this long. What's another week?"
She was glad I said no, but she had to offer it. It is a business, after all, and I think a lot of pregnant ladies at this point are screaming.
I might as well give the kid a chance to do it his/herself. It's already after the New Year. We're not in a hurry anymore. I just ask that he/she gets here before the next New Year, and I have a feeling that'll probably happen.
Oh, and my CNM did mention that I dropped today. She actually hadn't mentioned that to me before. She said the baby felt lower in my belly than the previous week. So, maybe this kid will come on its own yet.
Thanks for not driving us nuts with phone calls, by the way. I didn't have to set up the voicemail thing after all, and we still have our sanity. We may set up the voicemail thing, though, if we go into labor so that if people call, they will at least know what's going on if we don't answer. I hope we remember to do that. I do plan to update the xanga and all my other modes of internet communication when I go into labor (people think that you've gotta sprint to the hospital once labor starts, but I fully intend to have plenty of time to do it before labor gets serious). That way, people will know what's going down. Hopefully, there won't be any false alarms. There can only be so many between now and a week from now anyway.
In other news, here's what I look like today:
41 weeks.
I know. It doesn't look real, does it? I can't even imagine the idea that my body is supposed to be able to go back to almost normal after this.
Dilly out.
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