Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Livin' in the Dust (and Glad We're Not Biting It)

Thanks to all of you who have admitted to reading my blog! It's nice to know that I'm not just babbling to myself out here in the blog world. I'd still babble to myself, mind you, but it's nice to know. Thanks for reading about my fantastically boring life!

I have lots of photos and videos to share today!


She's got a pretty sweet smile.


She rarely falls asleep on my lap anymore.



This four-photo series is actually in reverse order. (4)

"Ayyyy!" (3)



Can you tell Willi wasn't feeling well in these photos?


Hobbes thinks Willis should be holding him, too.

She loves her daddy and her penguin.

Here are the videos:

It had been awhile since I had uploaded anything from my phone or my camera. We had a rough week last week. (Willi is finally feeling normal again as of yesterday!)

I haven't taken photos of the bathrooms lately. I'm waiting to take more of the upstairs bathroom until it is absolutely finished (it's so close—we're waiting for them to seal the floor grout before we can fully move in). The downstairs bathroom is well on its way, too. I hear them cutting tile as I'm typing this (and they already had most of the wall tile for the shower done yesterday).

And yes: this house is still royally filthy. I seriously cannot wait until it isn't. It's going to be a serious amount of cleaning. I was seriously thinking about calling up the Merry Maids to help me this one time (I really am not looking forward to cleaning all of this up—nor do I really have time to do it), but they apparently do not service the La Porte area. Boo. I'm looking at other options, though, and depending upon how expensive it is, I may or may not have help with my overwhelmingly filthy house. Just know that if you're coming over for a visit soon, you may have to excuse the dust. Possibly.

You kids have a lovely week. Dilly out.

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