I put a little mousse in her hair today.
This shot is to show the complete look. A smile would really set it off, I think.
Yep. She's zoned.
She's pretty good at stairs these days.
She's running away from me and laughing about it.
Her hair completely goes up into pig tails now.
Playing her organizing games.
She sits on the potty, but not for real.
It's more of a toy than anything at this point.
She can be really sweet.
Willi's at work this morning, and we're having one of those days where Nora is into EVERYTHING. I've already caught her sitting on our kitchen table twice (she waits until I'm out of sight—I was in the kitchen, the next room, one time that she did it). She's pretty stealthy. And nutty.
She was playing with my digital camera while I was spraying out her dirty (she totally says "dirty" now, by the way—it sounds like she's saying "duty") diaper in the toilet. She doesn't waste any time, either. She gets right to it.
I'd better supervise. Catch you kids later.
I must admit that I also tend to treat the potty like a toy. Freud would have a field day with me.