- I forgot to mention that I got sushi from the grocery store and ate it every night Willi was gone. It was glorious. (I finally got my stinkin' sushi!)
- Nora didn't want to sleep the night before/morning of my birthday (Wednesday). I'm not sure if it was because Willi was gone or because she's teething. It was a rough night/morning. There was lots of crying and nursing.
- My birthday happened. I turned 27 on August 6th (tree years shy of tirty).
- On my birthday, my phone would not stop ringing, and it was mostly people calling from work (and they weren't calling to chit chat or anything like that). I about went nuts like I did when I was at my due date with Nora still in my belly.
- Luckily, my mother-in-law, Mary, was here during all of that, and she was taking care of Nora for me while I ran around like a chicken with my head removed.
- I actually was able to do a couple of housework things while Mary watched Nora. I did a load of diapers and I vacuumed part of the house.
- Mary brought me a birthday cake.
It is tasty.
- I got some awesome news from my good friend, Lena.
- I went to the dentist later that day, and I had a better experience this time since I no longer have pregnancy gingivitis. (No cavities!)
- Willi came home while I was at the dentist (the dentist was a half hour behind, and I had intended to be back before Willi got home).
- Willi and I went out to eat while Mary watched Nora for us. I got a free slice of cheesecake!
- Nora took a three-hour nap yesterday morning.
- Someone from Freecycle offered to come pick up our sand on Saturday morning. I really hope they do.
- I got a library card at my local library, and I had no idea what I wanted to read. So, I picked up the first book that caught my eye. It was called This Book Will Save Your Life. I read the first two pages, and I hated it. I absolutely hated it. I'll be taking that back, and Willi handed me The Hobbit to read instead. I do intend to use the library for other things, though. It's a really sweet library. Maybe I'll do some research and figure out what's good to read these days.
- Nora figured out how to take off her diaper cover. This is why it's a good thing she's not in disposables at the moment.
- She's not quite crawling yet, but she's thinking about it very seriously.
- That's about it.
For now, Dilly out.
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