This little girl has been a bit of a challenge (compared to her usual self, that is) lately. She's still teething (this has been going on for quite some time now). Just this week, she's been fussy, crying a lot, pooping a lot (who knew that teething makes kids poop a lot!? As a result, she's also dealing with some diaper rash issues), and she refuses to let me put her down. Of course, it never helps: the dog always seems to freak out and bark right when there's a glimmer of hope that Nora might lay down for a nap in her crib (or there's a crew of contractor dudes shredding an entire tree down the street making a ridiculous amount of racket). Her two small naps that she had today were both taken in my lap. I have some photos from one of those naps below. I don't mind that she is sleeping in my lap, but it does make it difficult for me to, say, go to the bathroom when I'd like to or to switch the loads of laundry at my convenience and whatnot. She's got me spoiled right now. I suppose I'd better soak in this lap time, though. Soon, she'll be too big (and, some might argue that she looks too big to be in my lap already).
What's sad, though: this week, I've been seriously busy with some big projects for work, and the timing couldn't be worse. It always seems like the timing is always a little bit off for everything when it comes to having a kid. I suppose that's life now, though. That's what having kids is all about, I imagine.
What's sad, though: this week, I've been seriously busy with some big projects for work, and the timing couldn't be worse. It always seems like the timing is always a little bit off for everything when it comes to having a kid. I suppose that's life now, though. That's what having kids is all about, I imagine.

We got a bath this morning, and I decided to not run a comb through her hair afterwards. The end result was some sweet curls on top of her head. Check those out! I love them!
She's so close to crawling right now, too. She's still scooting backwards, but she's started to figure out how to lunge forward, lay down, and then do it again to make forward progress.
She has begun to flip over onto her belly mid-diaper change. I'm not a fan of that. She was already like changing a diaper on a fish (a guppy, perhaps), and now, it's as if I'm changing a diaper on a salmon that is seasoned for swimming upstream or something. We've been changing an obscene amount of diapers around here lately, too, with this poo issue that's happening with the teething. We'd be shelling out some serious cash right now if we weren't doing cloth diapers. Instead, we're rinsing out a lot of diapers in the toilet. It's a good thing that we're not even phased about doing the latter.
In the last month or two, Nora's been immediately sticking her hands into the messy diaper area. I think it's because she's not used to feeling that area (due to it being covered so seriously by a cloth diaper). So, I constantly am having to clean her hands and then block her hands from her lower half. So, what I'm saying here is: I really need, like, at least one more hand to properly deal with this kid. For now, I'll just have to keep the flailing to a minimum and hope for the best.
She's also been grabbing at my keyboard while I'm at the computer. This makes for some extreme computer action. In fact, she's been wanting to post on my blog. Here's a little note from Nora:
b hj hb jm,ui ,uigh nh vr bveb fy
She was really excited to say that to you guys.
Nora has almost figured out what the whole "waving thing" is about. Almost.
She still pets herself while nursing, which is pretty cute (and she actually hasn't bit me in quite some time now, which has been appreciated).
She also still has serious ninja skills when it comes to removal of eyeglasses and diaper covers.
Oh, and she is really getting complicated with her babbling. She's really starting to sound like a little person having a conversation.
Oop! She's seriously fussy right now. I need to go.
She's so close to crawling right now, too. She's still scooting backwards, but she's started to figure out how to lunge forward, lay down, and then do it again to make forward progress.
She has begun to flip over onto her belly mid-diaper change. I'm not a fan of that. She was already like changing a diaper on a fish (a guppy, perhaps), and now, it's as if I'm changing a diaper on a salmon that is seasoned for swimming upstream or something. We've been changing an obscene amount of diapers around here lately, too, with this poo issue that's happening with the teething. We'd be shelling out some serious cash right now if we weren't doing cloth diapers. Instead, we're rinsing out a lot of diapers in the toilet. It's a good thing that we're not even phased about doing the latter.
In the last month or two, Nora's been immediately sticking her hands into the messy diaper area. I think it's because she's not used to feeling that area (due to it being covered so seriously by a cloth diaper). So, I constantly am having to clean her hands and then block her hands from her lower half. So, what I'm saying here is: I really need, like, at least one more hand to properly deal with this kid. For now, I'll just have to keep the flailing to a minimum and hope for the best.
She's also been grabbing at my keyboard while I'm at the computer. This makes for some extreme computer action. In fact, she's been wanting to post on my blog. Here's a little note from Nora:
b hj hb jm,ui ,uigh nh vr bveb fy
She was really excited to say that to you guys.
Nora has almost figured out what the whole "waving thing" is about. Almost.
She still pets herself while nursing, which is pretty cute (and she actually hasn't bit me in quite some time now, which has been appreciated).
She also still has serious ninja skills when it comes to removal of eyeglasses and diaper covers.
Oh, and she is really getting complicated with her babbling. She's really starting to sound like a little person having a conversation.
Oop! She's seriously fussy right now. I need to go.
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