Things have been pretty hardcore with us Brown folk. We were out of town this weekend, as usual. We finally went to visit my Great, Great Aunt Lee for a very brief time on Saturday. I wish we could've stayed longer with her. She has so many awesome stories, and she's a joy to visit.
Sunday, we came back into town (we crashed at the Brown house for the weekend journey—and that's basically all we had time for there, which was sad), and Nora and I immediately hopped back into the car to go to a bridal shower in Schererville. We were pretty seriously under-dressed. I had fully intended to change our clothes, but by the time we got home (and when I realized that we'd just be getting covered in Nora's food), I decided not to change us. I had on some capris (they weren't denim or anything) and a matching T-shirt, and Nora had on a yellow sun outfit. If I had put on a blouse, I'd have probably been alright. I just didn't, though. We didn't stay to the end of the shower: I was afraid Nora was going to start squealing. So, we busted it back home. Sadly, it took and hour and a half to get back. The traffic was horrendous. I even took the toll road (and I didn't even take the wrong ramp like I did on Friday after lunch with my department—they took me out for my birthday).
Sunday, we came back into town (we crashed at the Brown house for the weekend journey—and that's basically all we had time for there, which was sad), and Nora and I immediately hopped back into the car to go to a bridal shower in Schererville. We were pretty seriously under-dressed. I had fully intended to change our clothes, but by the time we got home (and when I realized that we'd just be getting covered in Nora's food), I decided not to change us. I had on some capris (they weren't denim or anything) and a matching T-shirt, and Nora had on a yellow sun outfit. If I had put on a blouse, I'd have probably been alright. I just didn't, though. We didn't stay to the end of the shower: I was afraid Nora was going to start squealing. So, we busted it back home. Sadly, it took and hour and a half to get back. The traffic was horrendous. I even took the toll road (and I didn't even take the wrong ramp like I did on Friday after lunch with my department—they took me out for my birthday).

Nora's still being a handful. She's been pooping constantly, and she's quite fussy a large portion of the time right now. She's also not napping well or normally. What's more: work has been really serious for me these past two weeks. I've got major projects I'm trying to wrap up (and my connection is just so painfully slow, which isn't helping me), and just because irony loves me, I have a billion smaller projects I have to get done when I finish the major projects (and they all need to be done yesterday). It just so happens that when it rains with work, it pours with work. In about a week, I'll be begging for more to do. It's maddening! Why can't it just be distributed evenly?
The cat found a new place to sleep while we were gone. I don't like it (see the photos). I'm sure Nora will put a stop to that with her hair-pulling and fierce kicking.
Nora's wigging out again, and Willi's not here yet to help out (he's got a department meeting tonight). Gotta go.
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