Saturday, September 27, 2008

Lah Deeh Dah

I think little Nora is finally starting to kick this cold. She is coughing up a little phlegm today (and is still fairly snotty), but she's otherwise spunky. This video was taken a little while ago while she ate her breakfast and while I was eating mine in the kitchen. Maybe she'll kick this cold for good by the end of the weekend.

Nora's favorite thing to do while crawling is to find our registers and smack them. I'm not sure what the fascination is, but she absolutely loves to hang out on the registers. I think I'd be creeped out by our registers if I were a wee one. They're the big, creepy, square, old ones that allow you to peer into their infinite darkness (or at least to the dirt that is laying in the ductwork just below).

Other than this fine video and the announcement about Nora's love for registers, I've not really got much to report. Willi's at work this morning, which is a bummer, but we're goofin' off without him as much as we can. I'm thinkin' we may go for a walk or something.

Dilly out.

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