Saturday, my parents came over for awhile. We had a really good visit with them, and on Sunday, Willi's parents came for a little bit. They watched Nora while we scooted over to Round the Clock for lunch. I ate some gyros, and I am STILL paying for that decision. I apparently can't eat red onions and pepperoncinis anymore. I was astounded that Nora wasn't actually affected by all that. I realized after we ate that Nora might not like it. Maybe she's got a seriously well-rounded palette like her mommy.
I've been cooking and baking up a storm lately. I've been craving lots of things. I made lasagna last week with Italian sausage, pepperonis, fresh garlic, onion, ricotta cheese, mozzarella, and some Parmesan. I, of course, also used lasagna noodles and pasta sauce. It turned out really well, and I was quite pleased. I've made two batches of chocolate chip cookies in a week. I'm obsessed with them right now, and that is probably a bad thing. If it's anything like how I normally am, though, I'll move onto something else shortly. I'm also craving chef salads lately, too. So, I've been eating a lot of those. I made a fun little tuna casserole the night Mom and Dad came over. I used the rice cooker for part of that. It enabled me to be able to bake cookies simultaneously.
My "play dates" with Kelly each week have proven to be quite refreshing and helpful. We're going to keep it up.
This week, I'm supposed to start up with work. I just have to wait for my computer to arrive so I can get set up. So, we'll see how that goes.
Here are some photos that I got from my mom. These range from the night she was born until Saturday. I was thrilled to get ahold of them. There are some photos of Nora only a few moments old in the nursery that I really cherish as I didn't get to spend that time with her right away. I hadn't seen those until now.

The next round of photos is from me as usual. She has on some "big girl" outfits in these pictures, and I am just excited that she's finally at a size where she can wear them. It's sad, though, 'cause she's only going to be able to wear them for about five minutes.

I can't believe how fast this kid is growing. She is smiling and becoming more interactive each day, though, and that is really exciting. We're having such a blast with her.
She slept for a nice, good run last night. It was somewhere between six and seven hours. It was lovely. She's been sleeping a lot during the day lately, too. I think she might be growing again. I better keep my eye on her so I don't miss it!
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