We are getting a kick out of this kid. She's finally starting to have a little bit of personality, and she's starting to become more sentient. She's also been sleeping for longer stretches consistently when we go to bed now (about six to seven hour stretches), so that's been really awesome.
She does, however, throw a little tantrum right when she's about to fall asleep each time during the day. It's pretty funny. This doesn't really happen at night, though, when it's time for bed. So, that's lovely.
Her diapers are a little more serious these days, too. That's getting fun with the cloth diapers. We still prefer using them, though, 'cause it's so much cheaper. It's a perk that it's better for the environment, too, I suppose, but it's seriously so much cheaper it's ridiculous.
These photos actually span over several days. The photos near the bottom are the most recent. I think she looks different just in this span of photos. Good grief. She is changing right before my eyes!
Nic and Jason came on Saturday to meet Nora for the first time. They even watched her for us for about two hours while Willi and I ran out to catch lunch together. It was awesome. Nic had also made some lasagna, brought it with her, and she heated it up for us for dinner that evening. We seriously won, and it was so nice of them. (Thanks, guys! We loved it! All of it!)
Awhile back, Andrew or Annaleah made a comment about my dog and cat on a photo on facebook. They said something about, "Soon you will just be a dog and a cat."
They were totally right. In fact, I'm finding that I'm irritated with both the dog and (mostly) the cat most of the time. They are driving me NUTS! I'm thinking that if they croak, I'm done with pets in the house. I'm especially done with cats in the house since we know way too many people who are allergic. I might be convinced on a dog again, but that's only because I know Nora might beg for one later in life. I can't guarantee I will say no to that.
Honestly, the cat behaves worse than the dog does right now. He totally knows what drives me nuts, and he constantly is doing it. He's always knocking papers off of tables, he's getting into paper bags that have baby clothes in them (if someone gave us a gift, etc.), he's opening doors that I have closed specifically to keep him out, he spills drinks (and not just milk anymore), he climbs on our counters when we're not in the room (and he knows he's not supposed to do that because when I run in there to catch him, he hops down), and I could go on for days. It also doesn't help that he sheds more than any animal I've ever seen in my whole life. I can vacuum the whole house one day, and the next day, I'll find chunks of that cat all over the house. It's maddening. The dog is just stupid, and I can't totally fault him for that. He's got his sweet moments, too, and that's why I still kind-of like him. He's in his terrible twos, though. I'm not really enjoying that so much.
Tomorrow, Nora and I are going to hang out with the Cook gang (just the ladies). I'm pretty excited about that! We may try to make it a regular thing, which would be good for all of us I think. I'm really looking forward to Marian and Nora playing together. I think that's going to be so neat! I bet they'd play with Melissa, too, even though she's two years older. How exciting!
I've been watching too much HGTV lately. I'm seriously jonesing to refinish my bathrooms. Have you ever seen the show "Save My Bath?" Man. I love that show. I love that show and "Divine Design." Good stuff. I am teeming with ideas.
Okay. I'm starving. I need to go eat something.
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