From Dill to Brown and Beyond
Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Friday . . . NOT! (Weather-wise, that is.)
Oh, man. This kid is fun! As you can see, I've uploaded some photos and video of recent days. Nora has been doing some new things lately. She's consistently finding her thumb (I actually got a really good picture of her sucking her thumb today, and that'll post next time), she's lifting her head during tummy time, she's getting more into cooing and shouting and making different noises, and she's just generally an awesomely good baby. We are having so much stinking fun with her, it's not even funny. I just never had an inkling as to how much I'd be in love with a baby, but I will tell you that it's pretty serious. I just want to squoosh her all day long!
I am really relieved right now because I just finished a major project for work. That's a load off my shoulders and my mind. It was rocky because it was the first thing I did when I started back, and it, most likely, will be the most difficult thing that I'll be doing for awhile. So, I guess that was a good preview of what is to come. I think since I handled that project, I can handle anything they throw at me now. The best part is: I get to be with my baby. I love that.
If you haven't seen it yet, you need to look at the photo of Willis and Nora sleeping. I can't stop smiling at that. I think that was even the night that Nora had barfed on the bed (awhile before I took that photo). She's been doing some projectile vomiting for me lately. It's not been every day, but it's been -like- every three days or so. It's good times.
Willi's great uncle passed away yesterday, so I think we're going to be making a trip to Seymour tomorrow morning to get to the funeral. Oof. Nora's first funeral. That's a sad thought.
It snowed today, by the way. Yeah. It's Good Friday and the first day of Spring. What the crap, Mother Nature? This is neither Good nor is it Spring-like. Jerk.
This may gross some people out, but I tried pumping for the first time today. I only pumped about three ounces. I wanted to try it to see if Nora would take a bottle if I ever have to leave her. She definitely didn't take the bottle from me. So, I'm going to try to have Willis give her a bottle tonight when he gets home. We'll see if someone else can give her a bottle. The pump is pretty sweet, though. It was really easy to use—I don't know why I was so nervous to use it! Thanks, Julie!
If she doesn't take the bottle from Willis, we might have to get him a fake boob.
I know I'm obsessed with taking videos of my kid, but I enjoy them. Hopefully you will, too. I don't think I've uploaded these to facebook, and I may not since I have them on here. I'm trying to decide which I find easier. I definitely know that uploading to both is not easier. So . . . we'll see. I know that the grandparents can't look at facebook. So, maybe I should keep posting them here instead.
Okay, it's definitely time for me to get some lunch. I'm starving, and I think Nora might be, too. I hear her smacking her thumb down here on the floor. (Sidenote: sometimes she gags herself with her thumb. It's so stinking sad.)
Dilly out.
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