As you might be able to tell from the photos, Nora has started swatting at me with her free arm when she's laying in my lap. I'm not sure what that's all about, but I find it pretty humorous. I think she's just trying to learn how to use those things.
I'm also quite sure she's going through a growth spurt right now. She's eating like a mad woman and sleeping a lot to boot.
The plumbing situation is under control. It was under control two nights ago, but I didn't get a chance to post yesterday. I came home after going to Ace Hardware and decided to see if my part that I got would fit, and sure enough, it didn't. I realized we were going to need more new pipes for it to fit properly. So, I called Willis at work to let him know, and he bolted out a little earlier than usual to come home and tackle the issue. He ended up having to make two extra trips to Ace, but in the end, he got the pipes to fit. Everything seems to be well now, and I got the mess down there all cleaned up. We just need to seal the pipes a little, apparently, because there's a slight, tiny, little leak that's coming out of the joints. Willi's got a plan for that, and he's going to take care of it this evening. Otherwise, things are better than they were before in that department.
I even invested in some drain catches while I was at Ace so that if clumps of hair try to go down the drain again, we can stop it before it goes down. I felt brilliant when I found those. I also felt brilliant because I just eyeballed the sizes, and totally got them right. That never happens.
The shirts turned out a little lighter than I think they would have if they'd been done in a timely fashion, but I guess I'm not devastated about it or anything. They were doomed shirts before I dyed them. Plus, they still look better than they did before, which surprises me.
I totally dribbled cereal on Nora's outfit this morning. Even though it's a little funny, I'm fairly irritated with myself: her outfit is really cute today (not pictured here, but it will be in a future post). She's wearing a pink, long-sleeved shirt with jeans and matching pink socks that look like Chuck Taylors (Jennys). Sooo cute.
She's soooo close to laughing. I can't stand it! She is making some other noises that are really cute lately, too. She started making more noises when I started singing to her more actively. I think she likes the singing. I think.
Last night, a man from a local construction company came out to check out the siding and gutters on our house (I had previously made the appointment just to get an idea of how much something like that would cost). Hobbes was intrigued by him: he kept sniffing him very intently (more than he does with other people) and even licking the guy's pants. It was weird. We kept telling him to get down, and the guy kept saying, "Oh, he's fine."
It's not fine, though. Hobbes simply isn't supposed to behave like that. When people say, "Oh, he's fine," he'll just keep jumping up on them. So . . . it darned well better be fine. I digress.
Anyway, the guy wanted to take a look around outside, so Willis went out with him to check out the outside of the house. While they were out, Hobbes ran from window to window, freaking out. Then, he went and sat against my leg, facing where he heard that man's voice outdoors. I almost think he was protecting Nora and me. It was so weird. I've never seen him do that before. Then, when Willis and the guy came back in, I noticed that there was a stream of urine near the front window (like the dog was running and peeing at the same time). So, I cleaned it up. Out of curiosity (and out of knowing how weird my dog is), I checked all the windowed areas, and I discovered that he had left a stream of pee near every stinking window. Every window. It was stupid. Willis thinks he was leaving the urine in all those places because he smelled dogs on that man (the man was talking about his German Shepherd dog and another large dog that he has), and he was most likely trying to get his scent out there to ward off those other dogs. I suppose that makes sense, but HOLY CRAP! I was cleaning up his pee everywhere! Thank God we have hardwood floors right now. I was just bragging a couple days ago how he doesn't have accidents in the house anymore. I don't know if you can call that an "accident" because I think he very much did it on purpose. What's more: after that guy was gone, Hobbes sat and shivered for awhile over by Willis and Nora who were on the couch. He was still in the "protective" stance on the floor that he was in earlier with Nora and me. So weird. I think he was actively trying to protect the baby. How funny is that? I want to hug him and kick his butt all at the same time. He is certainly the most bizarre animal I've ever seen. He's, as Willis says, stupidly loyal.
I, of course, didn't discipline him about that. I don't know how you can discipline something like that. Plus, you can't really discipline a dog after he's peed and the act is done. What a weirdo. I'm just glad this doesn't happen every day.
Dah! Time has escaped me! I need to get ready to go to the Cooks! Gotta run!
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