My baby is growin' fast, man. We went to the doctor yesterday, and we discovered that she's 12 pounds, 11 ounces and 24 inches long. She's in the 90th percentile for that stuff, and I have no idea where that comes from. She's 75th percentile in head circumference, so that's probably a good thing. She's HUGE! She is currently in 3-6 month sized clothes. I can't stand it, man. She's only a little over two months old! I moved her into larger diaper covers a couple weeks ago, and I remember feeling a lump in my throat about that. Oy.
Two days ago, I finally got set up to work from home. It's been interesting working the bugs out and figuring out how I'm going to do this. I think it's going to work out, though. I'm a tad nervous about it, of course, but I'm thrilled to try it nonetheless. I'm currently working on a project that is the largest project that I ever do at work, and I'm finding that I'm having some massive lagging issues with the linked files. This presents a bit of a problem since I'm trying to get this thing done quickly. (That's really what's making me nervous about this whole thing.) In fact, I'm updating this blog right now while I'm waiting for stuff to load on the other computer. It's serious, man. I even have the files saved to my desktop, but the links are what are slowing me down. I can't copy all the links to my desktop, either. There are hundreds. So, I guess I have to kind-of sit and wait for stuff. It's not a huge deal, though, for now. I'm just glad I have something to do while I wait (Nora's generally napping on my lap while I'm working right now). I just hope they don't get frustrated with how slowly I'm seeming to move on this. Ugh. We'll see, I guess.
Lena came over yesterday! I hadn't seen that girl in awhile. She brought me some chocolate from the Albanese candy factory, and a cute little outfit for Nora for summer. We went to lunch and tried to catch up. I think we still had some more catching up to do, but to solve that, we just need to see each other again soon. At least the dog was a total idiot the whole time she was here. I was on his case constantly (because he was on Lena constantly), and that didn't really help us with the catching up factor. There's a photo of her up there holding the beeb. I just wish I didn't have the newspaper recycling in the background. Doh!
Speaking of the photos, you'll also see a few photos of our nutso cat hanging out in Willi's weekend bag. What a dork. I took those so I could convince Willis to put that thing away when he got home.
After Lena left yesterday, the Tru-Green guy stopped by and rang the doorbell, and since Hobbes was still being an idiot, he pushed the screen door open (it doesn't close all the way in the winter for some reason) ran out to sniff the guy, and then started to follow the guy down the street after I turned the guy down for his service. What's more: the guy ended up having to help me get Hobbes to come back, and as soon as he got back in the house, the dog knew he was in trouble. He went straight to Notre Dame for that little stunt. It was a terrible twos day, man. I felt like I had a really difficult toddler yesterday—a special needs difficult toddler, but a difficult toddler nonetheless. He's generally a good dog when it's just us, but when we have guests, he turns into a fool!
The weather is awesome today. I may try to venture out there with Nora on her awesome all-terrain stroller. (I say all-terrain stroller because this thing is serious and has giant wheels.) We'll see if I get a chance to do it, though. I'd really, really like to.
I think now that I'm working from home and now that it's getting warmer, time is going to fly. I don't know if I want it to. My kid is growing so fast as it is. I'm having fun with her now.
I really want a housecleaning monkey, by the way. I wonder if those trunk monkeys do houses.
Alright. My other computer has completed loading something for the time being. I should be able to move along a bit there. Maybe. Catch you kids later.
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