My little Nora pie has been having trouble the past few days. She's been really fussy, and she's not been wanting to go to sleep at night. I've resorted to bringing her to bed with us the past two nights so that she could nurse and fall asleep. Then, I wake up awhile later and put her in her bed while she's in a deep sleep. We've tried putting her in her crib awake, we've tried putting her in her crib asleep, and no matter what, she starts to cry—hard. When she cries hard, she's not going to get to sleep: not until she completely and utterly exhausts herself from bawling (which I'm not willing to let her do).
I think she's cutting teeth again. She's been so unlike herself. She's also been very cuddly and needy (which I don't mind, honestly, but it does make getting work done quite difficult). She wants to be held constantly right now, too. In fact, she's squirming in my lap while I'm typing this. I don't think she'll let me do anything unless I've got her strapped on my person today. She may be hitching a ride while I vacuum here in a little while. She wouldn't let me vacuum yesterday unless I was holding her. Imagine me holding a vacuum in one arm, and a baby in the other. I felt like such a stud mom.
She hasn't been napping very well, either. Instead of two, decent-sized naps in a day, she's been taking several short ones. So, that's been somewhat hard to work around, but I'm doing what I can.
Whoop. She's getting fussy. Gotta go.
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