Yesterday, I noticed Nora's second tooth is about to poke through. The first one is well on its way to being a normal tooth in her typically gummy smile. Last night, she was fairly difficult to get down for sleep. She kept waking and crying, and I kept running to her and holding her to calm her. (I typically nurse her to sleep in the evenings, but that doesn't always get her to sleep. Sometimes, I bounce on the ball with her until she falls asleep, too. Even then, sometimes she's still awake when I lay her down, but then, she's usually ready to go to sleep.) Finally, I got her relaxed enough, and she waved at me and went to sleep. I don't know if she knows how to wave for real or not, but the past few nights, she's been doing it when I put her down. It's hilarious. I think it was Saturday night that she did it the first time. She was all cranky from teething again, so I went to her and stroked her hair, legs, arms, and belly very softly. She loved it. She got all relaxed, and when I stopped, she waved at me, turned her head, sucked her thumb, and went to sleep.
I think it was also Saturday night that we turned on the video baby monitor to discover a baby that wasn't ours. That was pretty creepy. After thinking about it long and hard, we determined it had to be the neighbors catty cornered to us: their daughter was home with her baby, and we assume she must have a video monitor just like ours. It was pretty wild. I'd always heard of people hearing other people and their babies on their monitors, but I've never heard of peopleseeing another baby in their monitor. What are the odds?
We're going to have a serious mosquito problem after all this rain. I hope the city plans to spray or something. If not, I seriously need to look into treating our yard. I'm already covered in bites. I've rarely been outside.
Nora turns five months tomorrow. I can't believe how fast time is moving now that she's here. These are the last round of photos of her before she turns five months.

But, seriously. This kid adores her dad.
Her dad, on the other hand, does not adore being photographed, and you can tell in these photos. I think in one of the photos he's actually saying the word "hate" in reference to my photographing. Muahahahaha. Too bad, my lovah. Maybe you should work on being not cute when you're holding our baby. Good luck, though.
I might try to get outside today for real. I'm thinking that it'd be a great day for the dog park. I just hope there isn't mud everywhere. I have to get some work done first.
Speaking of that, gotta go!
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