Tuesday, June 3, 2008

We Have a Tooth

Today, Beth came to visit and meet Nora for the first time. (Willi is gone this evening on an overnight business trip, so it was a girls' night!) We decided to try out Nora's "movie legs" to see how she'd do at a movie theater during a matinée. I had a hankering to see Sex and the City, and I knew Beth would want to see it (Willis would not have anything to do with it, of course). After a creepy guy asked me for gas money in the parking lot in Michigan City (and I gave him two bucks because I was afraid of what he might do if I gave him nothing. The guy totally targeted me and followed me to my parking spot. It was weird), we went for it.

Nora did amazingly well. I had to get up with her a few times and run off to the hallway (that's a little more sound-proofed in the theater we were in) because she was shrieking with joy occasionally throughout the movie. It was pretty funny. A few times she shrieked at the perfect time: when there was a loud moment. I thought she might sleep during the movie, but she never did. I think it was way too loud in there for that.

At one point, I stuck my finger in her mouth to give her something to munch on (and to silence her somewhat), and the little rat bit me! It hurt! I think she actually broke my skin! After I felt around her gums a little more, I discovered that she was totally cutting teeth! I felt at least one on the bottom, and I'm still not sure about the top. I couldn't believe it!

So, on the way back home, I stopped by Walgreens to pick up some teething tablets. I don't know that she'll really need them (since she's been such an angel even though she's got sharp little objects poking through her gums), but I wanted to have them just in case.

I've got some photos I need to upload, but I'm already up past my bedtime as it is. You'll just have to see those later. Besides, it's good to have a break from the photos now and then, no?

In other news, I've begun a cleaning routine in my house so that I don't go crazy OCD in one day and kill myself cleaning the house in one sitting. I've actually made a calendar where I put in a cleaning job per day, and I just make it a point to get that one job done that day. So far, it's done a lot for my sanity and my house.

The patio still isn't done. We're hoping to finish it this weekend. I think it's going to be really sweet when we're done. In the meantime, we've gotten some awesome things accomplished with the yard. I've filled in dog holes with sod from the patio, we've reseeded lots of the yard areas, we've planted flowers in the flower gardens, and we've planted tomatoes. We've even busted out the solar lights and put them in decent places (where people can't run over them) this time. This place is really lookin' sweet. I'm already looking forward to redoing the upstairs bathroom in the fall.

I need to get to bed. I still have to put sheets on the bed (bah!) because Hobbes got them all nasty this morning. He knows he's not allowed on the bed, but he somehow still manages to hop up there and make a mess of it (by using our bed as toilet paper or some weird crap like that) when I'm not looking. He's such a punk. I generally keep a gross sheet available to toss over the bed so that if he does hop up there (being the defiant little brat that he is sometimes), he'll just get the gross sheet all nasty instead of our clean blankets and sheets. I apparently should have it on at all times: not just when I plan to leave the house for awhile (we keep him in our room now when we leave for short periods of time).

For realsies. Bed time

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