I suppose he's good for something now and then.

And now, here are some photos of Nora from yesterday. As you can see, she's trying hard to slam on my keyboard or grab the remote. She loves her some buttons.

In other news, I got bangs today (and no: I didn't cut them myself). I don't think you can tell from the photo very well (it's rather dark), but they're there. What do you think? They're a bit of a side-swept bang. I wasn't feelin' gutsy enough to jump all into bangs. I wanted to test 'em out first. I wanted something a little different, but I wasn't willing to get my hair cut short or anything like that. I've been working hard to grow it out for the past couple of years.

Also, I am amazed at the amount of phone calls and house calls we get lately from the "Barack Obama: Campaign for Change."
They always seem to time it for when Nora's sleeping. If they call again, I'm going to be like, "Look. I was thinking about voting for Barack Obama, but since you people are so freaking relentless and keep waking up my kid, I'm thinking that the change I am looking for is some stinking peace and quiet for once! You can forget my vote, you annoying people! Good day!"
One lady called me on a Sunday morning from her house in Georgia. I realize I'm a "swing voter" (and I'm sure that's largely due to the fact that I'm a 27-year-old woman who voted Democratic during the primaries—I've got my reasons), but holy crap. Leave me alone. There's an air of desperation (clamoring, if you will) in all this, I think. It's a bit weird. It's amazing to me that people are suddenly coming out of the woodwork to care about this election—and they're persistent little buggers. A little short-sighted, perhaps, but persistent nonetheless. God love them.
That's really all I have to report for now. I need to get some work done. Catch you kids later.
(P.S. That's about all the politics you'll probably see out of me.)
They always seem to time it for when Nora's sleeping. If they call again, I'm going to be like, "Look. I was thinking about voting for Barack Obama, but since you people are so freaking relentless and keep waking up my kid, I'm thinking that the change I am looking for is some stinking peace and quiet for once! You can forget my vote, you annoying people! Good day!"
One lady called me on a Sunday morning from her house in Georgia. I realize I'm a "swing voter" (and I'm sure that's largely due to the fact that I'm a 27-year-old woman who voted Democratic during the primaries—I've got my reasons), but holy crap. Leave me alone. There's an air of desperation (clamoring, if you will) in all this, I think. It's a bit weird. It's amazing to me that people are suddenly coming out of the woodwork to care about this election—and they're persistent little buggers. A little short-sighted, perhaps, but persistent nonetheless. God love them.
That's really all I have to report for now. I need to get some work done. Catch you kids later.
(P.S. That's about all the politics you'll probably see out of me.)