This kid is killin' me. Three times today, I finger-swiped the wood floor filler (non-toxic, thank God) that we used to fill the cracks in our floors out of Nora's mouth. She's been actively digging her little fingers into the cracks and popping the stuff out to snack on it. I caught her doing it, and after the third time, I went into all the cracks, pulling all the loose stuff up and throwing it out before she could get to it. I never thought I'd be doing that when I was applying that stuff. I'm seriously lucky she didn't choke on it (nod to the Big Guy upstairs).
If she's not eating wood floor putty, she's busy trying (and succeeding) to eat the papers that I have lying in my "discarded paper basket," she's climbing under my desk to get to the power cords, power strips, and open outlets therein, or she's wandered into the bathroom to get herself tangled up in the plastic tubing that connects the minishower to the toilet (I try to keep that door shut, but out of habit, I accidentally leave it open sometimes). Toys? Schmoys: give her the dangerous stuff. That's what she wants. Criminey. How is it that so many people survive the Destructo stage? It has to be a miracle. Every. Single. Time.
After battling this little rascal all day long (and attempting to get some actual work done), I decided to bust out to the Garwood Orchard. I had hoped to get some cute photos of Nora in a pumpkin patch, but I guess when you go during the week, you can't really go out to the patch. So, we didn't get any cool shots of that. Instead, we got our stuff in the little shop that they have there. I got a couple of pumpkins, some Indian corn, a half a peck of apples for a pie, and a pot of mums (I have pictures of some of that below). When Nora's older (probably next year), I'll definitely want to get out there on a weekend. It's apparently pretty sweet. I guess they have some live music, food, and all kinds of cool stuff going on. It looked like it'd be a pretty happenin' place if it weren't the middle of the week. The prices are pretty fair, too, I might add.
Nora only napped this afternoon for about twenty minutes (she took a good nap this morning, mind you). The next couple of hours could be interesting. (The phrase, "Super Destructa Mode," comes to mind.)
Nora got her frog costume yesterday, and I tried it on her this morning. I have some photos of that below.
Without further ado, I'll share some photos from today.

Oops. Seeing those photos of Nora on the changing table reminds me that I need to wash a load of diapers. I'd better go get that going.
By the way, while I've been typing this, Nora's been sitting on my lap, gnawing on the remote control for my office TV (and occasionally smacking it against the keyboard, sabotaging my forward progress on this blog entry). She's also been chatting me up, which I don't mind. I'm just glad she's not trying to entangle herself in my power cords or partaking in any (or all simultaneously) of the aforementioned death wish activities.
Dilly out.
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