Here are some photos from the past two days. The latest ones are her standing in her crib (that was this afternoon). I put her in her crib for her afternoon nap, and she, clearly, wasn't ready for nap time yet (she's a-wailin' at me). Fear not, I did scoop her up just after these photos were taken. A little while later, she went to sleep without a fight. I just can't believe how good she is getting at pulling herself up. I think it's Marian's influence. She watches that girl walk across the room, and she wants so badly to chase after her. I can see it in her eyes these days.

In other news, we're going to a wedding tomorrow evening! I hope I'll be able to dress Nora appropriately. I'm sure I'll get some photos of that.
Also, I'm getting anxious for my bathrooms to be done. Our contractor got set back due to the flooding (lots of emergency jobs popped up for him). We didn't mind that (it gives us a little more time to save), but I'm really looking forward to having some finished, awesome bathrooms.
I love Fridays. Dilly out.
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