Nora had her nine month checkup yesterday. Here are her stats:
- 18 pounds, 8 ounces
- 28.75 inches long (She grew a half inch in three months.)
- 44 cm head circumference
Here's a video of the little rascal eating lunch yesterday.
- She's been clapping regularly (this is just so stinking fun).
- She picks up books and "reads" them (even if they're closed).
- She loves to call her daddy, still, and requests it every time she sees the phone. I've been trying to figure out how to get a video of this, but it's virtually impossible.
- She's been doing really well with feeding herself. I'm all inspired now to have her try new things, and this is really exciting for me!
- She's definitely cruising now. As a result, she's also bruising.
- She's napping better in the last few days.
- She's starting to know where she's not supposed to go, and she goes there. Often. (My little Destructa.)
- She loves the dog. He loves her.
- She loves the cat. He loves the cat (and bolts as soon as there's a threat of her touching him).
- She shouts at her toys, the floor, and whatever will listen. She just sits there and goes, "Ah! Ah! Ah!"
- She's been doing some more intricate babbling. There's the loud stuff, and then there's the quiet, whisper-like talk she typically does first thing in the morning (or on the changing table).
- She also makes a pig-grunt noise. I think I've mentioned this before, but she definitely still does it. Often.
- Oh, and she's suddenly started squirming on the changing table again. This is a problem.
- She doesn't let anyone else but Willis or me hold her. This could become a problem.
- She has tons of hair. Tons.
- She absolutely has her daddy's sleepy eyes.

She just keeps on growing—right before my eyes! It seems like every time she goes to sleep, she's changed so much when she wakes.
I'm really excited for the weekend. We're not doing anything (in fact, Willis has to work tomorrow), but I'm so thrilled.
In other news, Mom and Dad came by for a little while last night. We ordered some Chinese, and we ate dinner with them. at our house. Nora was only up for a few minutes when they got here (she was falling asleep on us), which was kind-of sad. We'll get to see them again soon, though! Thanksgiving isn't so far away, and there's always a chance that we might get over there before then.
It's getting chilly out there (and in here). We haven't turned on the furnace yet, but we're going to do the prep work involved with that over the weekend.
My pie was delicious, by the way. I actually made two, and Willi took one to work for a coworker's birthday.
Oh, and one last thing. The idiot chipmunks ate all my Indian corn. Jerks.
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