Nora turned nine months old on Saturday. I can't even begin to believe how fast time is moving now that I have a kid. It seems like once she got here, hours, minutes, and days suddenly changed their unit of measure. Sure, I thought time flew at times before Nora came, but there's something about a growing child that makes you really note the time passing. Maybe it's because you can actually see the kid grow—right in front of your very eyes. Maybe it's because there's so much growing that a child does in its first year. I don't know. All I know is: I'd better stop and look around once in awhile, or I might miss it (little nod to Ferris Beuller there).
She gave me a run for my money on Saturday. We had a serious poop-o-rama incident in her room when I went to change her that evening. She sat up, pooped on the changing table (while I was trying to locate some wet wipes), and then when I put her on the floor (naked—I was still trying to clean up the mess on the table, but I didn't have any place to put a diaper on her before I got the mess cleaned up), she proceeded to poop (diarrhrea) in three other areas on the floor in her room (within seconds, it seemed). It was NUTS! I spent a good half hour or 45 minutes cleaning up that wild mess after that incident. It's a good thing Willis was home to watch Nora for me while I cleaned it all up: I don't know what I'd have done there. In retrospect, I wish I had thought to just drop her naked butt into the empty bath tub. That way, if she had pooped or peed anymore, I'd just have to hose out the bathtub really well instead of cleaning a rug and the floor. Live and learn, I guess.
I'm actually posting this in stolen time: Nora flatly refused a morning nap today. So, I pulled her out of her crib, let her wander around the upstairs (while I vacuumed up here), and just when I started to feed her lunch, she passed out in her high chair. I immediately grabbed her up and plopped her in her bed. I'm interested to see how long she sleeps this afternoon. She's already been asleep for about 40 minutes. I actually have a video of her looking sleepy just moments before I took her down to her high chair for lunch (where she fell asleep). Check this out:
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