We got out to my OB appointment yesterday without any trouble. She was passed out in her car seat the whole time, so there wasn't really much effort needed on my part there.
I did learn that I've lost 26 pounds in two weeks. Dude. I feel like I should be on TV with all those New Year's resolution targeted ads right now. Only, my diet plan is having a baby and breastfeeding. Everybody should do it.
My cousin Sarah came over yesterday to make us some dinner. She made us some salmon cakes with dill sauce, asparagus, long-grain rice, and some lentil salad. It was delicious.
It's so sad: her coming over to do that for us made me realize that I could've been a lot more helpful to my sisters and her when they had babies before me. Ugh. You don't realize how nice it is for someone to bring you food or do a load of laundry for you until your arms are full. Sadness. Sorry sisters and Sarah. I'm sorry to my friend Kelly, too. She had a baby back in September, and I probably could've helped her and Randy out by bringing them food or something. Good grief. They even have a two-year-old on top of having a new baby, too (and Kelly's younger than I am)! I'm such a heel!
To all of you out there who don't have kids (but have friends who do): be mindful of what they might need. Don't go to their house and make a big mess. Try to at least leave the place how you found it (or maybe a little better if they haven't had a chance to clean up). Maybe bring 'em some food (and don't expect them to feed you). I wish, wish, wish I had become aware of this on my own. I know that I totally went to my sisters' houses when they had babies and didn't lift a finger to help out, and I'm sure I was a burden. Don't be like I was!
Now, don't feel like you have to get up and bring me some food, 'cause that's not what I'm sayin'. I'm just letting you know that we need to be more mindful of our friends and family when they have babies. All of us. Mostly me.
Nora and I danced to Spoon's "The Underdog" today. Have you ever heard that song? If you haven't, you should listen to it. You won't be able to sit still in your chair. I used to hear it in the car on my way to work (if I had an OB appointment, I'd drive myself in), and I'd crank it up and dance in my seat. Nora was all fussy before we rocked out to it, and afterwards, she got all quiet and calm. It was awesome. She's liking Modest Mouse, too, I think. She's passed out in the bouncy seat while I've got some Modest Mouse goin'. I used to crank some of that in the car, too, while she was in utero.
I'm all about not making her listen to cheesy kid songs. I never did (Mom and Dad never made me, and we listened to stuff like CSN, CCR, Jim Croce, Moody Blues, Led Zeppelin, and some other stuff). I never knew the words to the cheesy kid songs that the other kids were singing, but . . . I don't really feel like I missed out on anything. She'll probably get exposed to enough of that at school anyway. She needs to listen to real music at home, I say.
Wuh oh. I think she's hungry. Gotta go.
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