Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I worked for abut 5.75 hours yesterday on a major project for work (and I got a serious amount of work done), and all of that work is gone. I think HQ lost power while I was saving last night when the storm came. So, my changes didn't get updated on the server before I shut down.

I want to puke and cry at the same time, but I'm doing neither. I'm just sitting here stunned, basically (and maybe clinging to a little bit of hope that the files will synchronize when I try one last time here in just a minute).

In other news, both of the storms we had were pretty serious last night. Frank told me this morning that someone died in Michigan City when a tree fell on their car, and someone spotted a funnel cloud above the hospital last night. (The hospital is less than a half a mile almost due North from here.)

I heard sirens a few different times last night, which was a bit unnerving. I spent a lot of time trying to decide if I should wake Nora up and set up camp in the basement. I never did, but I really thought about it.

Our front door blew open at one point last night, which caused a big, loud crashing sound. The thunder crashes all through the night were enough to rock my bed—a lot. Somehow, Nora never awoke. I sure didn't sleep very well.

I ran out in the middle of a lot of wind and rain to flip our patio furniture over onto the cushions and to take the Purdue flag off of the front of the house. My heart was racing! I haven't been that frightened (in that way) in awhile.

Since this post is a bit of a downer, I'll save my happy time from yesterday for a second, independent post. I don't want to ruin my happy memories of yesterday with this post.

Wah-wah. *muted trumpet sound*

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